Lose weight fast and easy with Tabata training

Tabata training is trending in the health and fitness arena, and with good reason. It’s a fast, effective and fun way to lose weight , and you can do it just by following a free tutorial at home.

What is a Tabata workout?

Tabata training has its origins in Japan and was initially designed for Olympic figure skaters. It consists of doing 20 seconds of intense exercise followed by a 10-second break . This 20:10 format is then repeated for the rest of the workout.

A proper Tabata workout should include a 10-minute warm-up to get your heart rate up with exercises like lunges or knees to your chest. Then the “Tabata” part of the workout only lasts about four minutes, and usually involves repeating an exercise quickly and intensely (such as squats or jumping jacks) for 20 seconds, then taking a 10-second break.

entrenamiento tabata para perder peso

This training is also an effective way to lose weight, although taking it to the limit could end up causing injuries.

Most Tabata workouts last around 45-60 minutes , and while most sessions include at least 4-5 exercises, they also typically include warm-up exercises at the beginning and stretching at the end.

A Tabata workout can be classified as cardio exercise, strength training, or both , depending on the types of exercises that are included. Some of the movements are performed using body weight, while other movements, such as swinging or swinging with kettlebells, for example, involve the use of additional weight.

Is Tabata the same as HIIT?

According to the International Sports Science Association, Tabata and HIIT are high-intensity interval training workouts that burn a lot of calories. However, they are not exactly the same.

While Tabata workouts were created for speed skaters, HIIT workouts were first done for runners. HIIT workouts are less intense than a pure Tabata workout, although today’s Tabata workouts are not as intense as the originals.

HIIT workouts are also more flexible than Tabata workouts , as they use different ratios of activity to rest. While Tabata workouts stick to a 20:10 interval, HIIT workouts can have ratios like:

  • 1:1: one minute of vigorous activity followed by one minute of rest.
  • 1: 2: one minute of intense activity followed by two minutes of rest or low-intensity exercises.
  • HIIT intervals can go up to 1:10 (one minute of intense activity followed by 10 minutes of low-intensity exercise or rest).

Is Tabata training good for weight loss?

The American Council on Exercise conducted a study in 2013 to assess the effectiveness of this type of training . The researchers analyzed the number of calories expended during training and also other indicators of cardiorespiratory endurance, such as heart rate and oxygen consumption. The study showed that Tabata is an effective cardio workout that can help burn calories and lose weight.

In fact, the body continues to burn calories even after training . Due to the intense effort that is made, your body must work harder to recover. In the industry, it’s called excessive post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC). Basically, you’re going to be burning more calories in the 24 hours after doing Tabata than after a slow, steady run.

That said, it’s important to note that since Tabata is an intense workout, it should be approached with caution . People who don’t exercise regularly should start slowly to avoid the risk of injury.

Full Body Tabata Workout

If you’re ready to try a little Tabata, this 20-minute workout that targets muscles throughout the body is a great place to start.

Complete 20 seconds of exercise A, rest for 10 seconds, then complete 20 seconds of exercise B and rest for 10 seconds . Repeat this pattern 4 times to complete the workout, and then continue with the next couple of exercises. Do 5 rounds with 5 different pairs of exercises in total.


Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Crouch down and put your hands on the ground. Keeping your core tight, quickly jump your feet back to finish in push-up position, then jump forward and place your feet between your hands . Jump forcefully up, and return to the starting position.

medicine ball throw

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart with a medicine ball between and slightly in front of your feet. Squat down to pick up the medicine ball, keeping your back straight and holding the medicine ball at your sides so your palms are facing each other. Get back on your feet and he lifts the ball over your head . Squeeze your glutes for extra strength and, twisting your hips, throw the ball into the ground with all your might.

Dumbbell lunge

Hold a dumbbell in each hand on either side of your body, palms facing in. Keeping your back straight and your chest up, step forward and slowly lower your body until your knees are bent at 90°, keeping your torso upright . Hold this position for 1-2 seconds and squeeze your glutes. Take a step forward with the other foot and repeat the movement. Make sure your knees don’t go too far forward, and never past your toes, as this can damage the joint.

Dumbbell Thrusters

Hold a dumbbell in each hand above your shoulders with your palms facing in (a neutral grip). Squat down until your hamstrings are parallel to the ground, keeping your back straight and the dumbbells in position. Push through your heels to return to standing and swing the dumbbells overhead .


Lie face down on a mat. Put your hands on the ground shoulder-width apart, but a little more than shoulder-width apart. Without stretching your elbows out, lower your body until your chest almost touches the floor, then push yourself back up to the starting position, again without stretching your elbows. Keep your glutes tight and your hips in line with your torso and shoulders.

jump squat

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and put your hands behind your head. Squat down until your legs are parallel to the ground and squeeze your glutes at the bottom. Launch yourself up into a jump , keeping your chest up and your back straight at all times.

assisted pull up

This can be done on a machine or with a strong resistance band tied around a pull-up bar. Hold the pull-up bar with an overhand grip slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Place both knees on the seat or band until your body is fully extended. Contract your lats and pull your body up until your chin reaches the level of the bar.

swing with kettlebell

Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Hold a kettlebell in front of you with both hands, using an overhand grip. Move your hips, driving your buttocks back while keeping your back straight. Next, move your hips forward to swing the kettlebell until it reaches chest height , keeping your arms extended.