Learn to hypertrophy gluteus with these exercises

The buttocks are one of the strongest body parts and we must train, both men and women. How to increase the buttocks is a question that many people ask themselves and, possibly, it is very easy to answer. What you should be clear about is that you will not notice a radical change in a short time.

Unfortunately, most of us suffer from gluteal amnesia, which happens when we spend a lot of time sitting and lying down. Let’s say our butt falls “asleep” and loses muscle tone.

Exercises to increase buttocks

The exercises to increase the gluteus can be part of any training routine for the lower body. However, they are not recommended to be done every day, since it is necessary to rest the muscle.

glute bridge

This exercise is safe for beginners, the glute bridge isolates and strengthens the muscles of the glutes, hamstrings and core, while improving stability in the hips.

  1. We will lie on our back with our knees bent and our feet flat on the ground. We will place the arms to the sides with the palms of the hands resting on the ground.
  2. Contract your abs and gluteal muscles, press your feet into the ground, and lift your hips off the ground. The body should form a straight line from the shoulders to the knees.
  3. We’ll pause at the top for 5 seconds, then slowly lower back to the starting position.


Walking lunges are a great exercise for building and toning your gluteal muscles, while also targeting glute growth and improving balance. If we have any problems with our knees, ankles, and hips, we will ask a physical therapist before attempting this move.

  1. We will take a dumbbell in each hand with our arms at our sides (if we want to do them with weight).
  2. We will stand up, with the feet separated to the width of the hips. We will take a step forward with the left foot.
  3. We will bend the left knee towards the ground until it is parallel to the ground. This is the forward lunge position.
  4. We will pause and hold this position for a few seconds.
  5. Then we will take a step forward with the rear (right) leg and repeat the stride with this leg.

hip lift

In this exercise you can use bars or sandbags. It is one of the most effective exercises to increase the buttocks. The activation of the fibers is much greater in this movement, and we can bet on low and medium loads. Keep in mind that when we push the buttocks in the upper part of the route, the fibers will be stimulated more.

For this move, we’ll start by sitting on the floor with our backs along the edge of a bench, our knees bent, and our feet slightly wider than hip-width apart. The scapulae (shoulder blades) should rest against the edge of the weight bench in the center of the bench.

  1. We will place a bar on the hips (a disk or dumbbells can also be used).
  2. Squeeze your glutes, pressing through the heels of your feet and pushing the bar up until your hips are in line with your shoulders and knees.
  3. The bench should support the area of the middle of the scapula. We will maintain a firm core, with the chin slightly inward.
  4. We will slowly lower the bar until the hips are just a few inches from the ground.
  5. We will squeeze the glutes and lift again.
  6. Throughout this movement, we will keep the hips moving the entire time with a slight pause/contraction of the glutes at the top of the range of motion.


It is an exercise very similar to the deadlift, but we have a load on our back instead of on the arms. The greatest activation occurs when you reach the top and press very hard. The movement does not start from the lower back.

  1. We will stand with our feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent.
  2. We will place a bar with the appropriate weight on the shoulders so that the bar rests on the trapezius muscles of the upper part of the back, near the shoulders.
  3. We will strengthen the upper back and abdominals and breathe well.
  4. We will exhale while we articulate the hips, sending the hips back and the upper body forward.
  5. We will stand once the upper part of the body is almost parallel to the ground.
  6. We will inhale as we return to the starting position.

bulgarian squat

Basically, anything that involves some sort of bending over at the hips will strengthen your glutes and legs. However, no squat repertoire is complete without some type of Bulgarian squat. The only difference from a split squat is that the back foot is elevated. This small change greatly increases the difficulty of the movement by taxing balance, which further engages the core and places a greater load on the front leg.

  1. Find a step, a bench or any other contraption in which we can support a foot, it must be at knee height.
  2. Get into a forward lunge position with your torso upright, core braced, and hips square to your body, with your back foot elevated on the bench. The front leg should be half a meter or so in front of the bench.
  3. We will lower until the front thigh is almost horizontal, keeping the knee in line with the foot. We will not let the front knee travel past the toes.
  4. We’ll drive up through the front heel back to the starting position, again keeping the movements measured.

wired kick

Gluteal kickbacks can be effective for glute augmentation. Depending on the technique, we can effectively challenge the gluteus medius or gluteus maximus. In this variation, setup and technique are crucial to the success of the exercise and to placing maximum tension where it needs to be.

  1. We will place a strap attached to the cable around the ankle.
  2. We will keep the back in a neutral position with the abdominals contracted.
  3. The body will be positioned off center with the working leg in line with the cable attachment.
  4. We will lean the body forward and take the leg out behind us while maintaining a slight bend in the knee.
  5. We will move the leg by squeezing the gluteus, not by arching the lower back.

kettlebell swing

With the swing we work almost our entire body, and it is a very fun way to exercise the gluteus and the abdomen.

  1. We will stand up, grabbing the kettlebell.
  2. We will keep our arms long and loose while we squeeze our shoulder blades and contract our abdomen.
  3. We’ll bend our knees slightly, shift our body weight to our heels, and lower our butt back and toward the wall behind us.
  4. Explode through the hips to send the weight up from the quads. We will aim at chest height, with outstretched arms. Achieving this final position requires us to move the hips, contracting the core while squeezing the glutes.
  5. As the kettlebell begins to descend, we’ll let the weight do the work as we prepare the body for the next repetition. We will return the weight to the heels while rotating the hips and loading both the hamstrings and the glutes.

weighted sumo squats

Performing them on steps is to add a greater range of movement, but if we are beginners we will start doing them on the ground. The weight should not be very high either because we could suffer swings by not mastering the technique.

  1. We’ll start by standing with both feet in a wide stance and turning outward at a 45-degree angle. We can perform this exercise using just bodyweight or by holding a dumbbell in each hand or a barbell across our back for an added challenge.
  2. We will make sure that the glutes are already active. As we release the glutes, we allow the body to sink straight into a squat, knees out toward the toes.
  3. Once we have reached a 90 degree angle between the thighs and the shin, we will squeeze the glutes to lift the body back to the starting position.

Dead weight

The conventional deadlift is one of the most popular exercises, and with good reason. It challenges the muscles around the hip, knee, and ankle. It also tests the muscles around the wrist, elbow, and shoulder to hold the bar, but those joints don’t directly contribute to range of motion. Since it has a primary focus on hip extension, it can be used while training your back, legs, or glute augmentation.

  1. We will stand up, pushing our hips back as we reach the bar.
  2. We will let the knees bend naturally.
  3. If we are tall, have long legs, or have limited hip flexion ability, we may want to raise the bar with a small box under each weight plate.
  4. Once we have made contact with the bar, we will secure the grip and tighten the abdominals.
  5. As we work our way across the floor with our quads, we’ll drive our hips forward as we reach the top.
  6. We will safely return to the starting position by rotating at the hips and controlling the bar as it returns to the ground.

ejercicios para aumentar gluteo

When are the results noticeable?

There is no exact time frame for when a person can expect to start seeing results with these glute movements. The answer depends on the consistency of the individual’s workouts, genetics, nutrition, and other factors. However, in a general sense, a person can expect to start seeing results in about four to six weeks.

We will first feel the results before seeing them. The general rule of thumb is that we will feel stronger and be able to do more weight-bearing exercises within the first four weeks of the training routine. In the next four weeks (that is, from weeks five to eight), other people (friends and family) will begin to notice the changes. But each person will not notice “significant changes” until weeks nine to twelve. The results will come, but it takes patience and discipline.

Also, to build muscle, the body needs additional fuel to build it. So we need to make sure we have a caloric surplus. The body will not be able to increase buttocks if it is burning more calories than it is consuming.