WOD, crossfit exercises for every training day

WOD, is the acronym for the expression “workout of the day”. Which, in Spanish means the training of the day. I mean, Wod, this is an exercise routine for every day. In this sense, we can understand it as strength or weight training, cardio, gym, among others. It can last from five minutes to an hour and a half. Most of these routines are related to crossfit. In general, a sport that has more followers every day. Here are the best WODs that a crossfit lover should try …

WOD Amanda

It is a routine that involves few exercises, but that works the whole body. As such, Wod Amanda is considered very effective. It is a very intense workout, but quite simple. It consists of only 2 exercises mucle-up and snatch . The mucle-up allows you to work the entire upper body. Back, arms, chest and triceps. On the other hand, the snatch is based on lifting a bar from the ground with a single pull and raising it above the head with the arms extended.

WOD Tabata

This method is one of the best known to get fit and burn fat. It is a very efficient and well known Wod. It is based on intervals of a very short duration, but of high intensity. Your process is to do a butt exercise for 20 seconds. For later, rest and recover in just 10 seconds. This is repeated until completing 8 series.

In the Wod Tabata the following exercises are usually done: Squats, abdominals, lunges, dips, push-ups of the legs and arms. The routines can be elaborated according to your interests. You can do a single exercise. Combination of two or three. Even that each series is of a different one. The best thing about Tabata is that it achieves excellent results on your body and in a very short time. This is because it is a very demanding training for the body.

WOD Helen

It is one of the most demanding Wods that exist. This is because, it combines racing with strength. That is, cardio with bodybuilding. In general, you work with a 400 or 500 meter run with front elevation and chin-ups . These last two exercises are for bodybuilding.

To obtain the most optimal results with this Wod it is necessary to perform three rounds. Each of them, with races of at least 400 meters, 21 front lifts and 12 dominated in each series.

WOD Annie

If the use of gadgets is about. So, the rope cannot be left out. The Wod Annie, allows the use of it. If you do not know what the rope is, we will tell you that it is a jump rope. Yes, as you see it, Annie is about jumping rope, but with a certain degree of difficulty. Since, you will have to double-under.

The Wod Annie only involves two exercises. The jump rope and some abdominal exercise. It seems very simple, but it is not . The difficult thing about this routine is the amount of repetitions that you will have to do of it . Which, could become innumerable.

WOD Zeus

It is one of the Wods that involves long duration and many exercises. It is ideal for obtaining prominent muscles. If your goal is to acquire an amazing body, this method is what you are looking for. All you will need is a bar and a wall.

This is a 4 round Wod. In each of the series you should perform: 5 push ups, 15 pull ups, 25 push ups, 35 sit ups and 45 squats. It is mandatory between rounds to take 2-minute breaks.

It is a training where the whole body is managed in a very comprehensive way. Therefore, it is necessary to warm up beforehand and at the end of stretching. This, in order to avoid injuries. It can be considered one of the most extreme wods out there .

Entrena con un Wod para cada día

WOD King Kong

It is one of the workouts that only very few can do. In fact, only the strongest manage to carry them out. If you are one of those. So, pay attention because for sure this Wod will be one of your favorites from now on.

The first thing you should know is that, there are three rounds. In each round the weights to use are impressive . 100 kg and up are the standards. Typically, the following exercises are used for sets: Deadlift with 455 pounds, 2 Muscle Ups, 3 Squat Clean with 250 pounds.

WOD Fran

It is the WOD of the three minutes. With this little time you will be able to intuit that it is a training that takes you to the limit. Performing the exercises in such a short time can throw you to the extreme of suffering. The pain that you will feel in your body is known only to those who have lived this experience.

Exaggerated weights, little time and a lot of repetitions will be the 3 fundamental ingredients of this practice. Only the strongest and most committed can do it. In fact, it is not recommended for beginners . A Wod that makes your body work hard. It is one of the most popular among veterans. To the point that there are established marks and records that are difficult to beat.

The world record in this discipline is below two minutes. Which, is really amazing. Knowing how demanding this sport is. Without a doubt, one of the toughest Wods out there.


For the practice of any sport perseverance is necessary. However, when it comes to Wod for crossfit there are other factors to consider. You should never demand more of yourself than you can give. Otherwise , your body can be seriously injured. If you are a beginner there are routines that you will not be able to do until you have advanced and generated better physical conditions. The demand in this kind of practice is gradual. That is, it must go step by step. Everything is a matter of time and knowing how to train. Remember, train in order to improve your health. The aesthetic improvements will come in addition.