What does it mean to be an ectomorph? Details about it

If you are a thin man and you have a hard time gaining muscle mass, you have probably already wondered what it means to be an ectomorph . Well, this concept was described by the psychologist William Herbet Sheldon, who determined with his research that each person has specific genetic traits.

Knowing this is important, as it allows you to design a training plan that suits your morphological type. In this sense, we have to say that ectomorphs are people whose morphological type is characterized by being naturally thin and having problems gaining muscle mass.

What does it mean to be an ectomorph on a biological level?

If you want to fully understand what it means to be an ectomorph, you have to be very aware of how to identify one . To achieve this, it is necessary to know what the biology of people with this somatotype is like.

Abdomen ectomorfo


According to the research of Herbet Sheldon, the following are the characteristics of ectomorphs :

  • Their metabolism is very accelerated, which is why it is difficult for them to gain weight, but also muscle mass.
  • Their genetic predisposition does not favor them in the practice of strength and endurance sports.
  • They do not have to follow very strict diets, as their fast metabolism makes it difficult for them to have obesity problems.
  • If they are subjected to a hypocaloric regimen, their strength level is lower compared to that of other somatotypes.
  • They are very energetic, which is why they tend to be hyperactive.
  • Its genetics are related to a greater development of the nerves and the brain system.
  • They tend to be more emotional, which makes them stand out in art.
  • The physique of ectomorphs is usually of thin bone mass, rectangular trunk, triangular face, fragile joints and thin ankles and wrists.

What does it mean to be ectomorphic according to sex?

Both men and women can be ectomorphs . Depending on the sex, there are certain specific characteristics that are important to know.


In the case of ectomorphic men, we speak of men with a fragile appearance, with fine bones, little muscle and tall stature . Examples of known ectomorphs are Brad Pitt, Bruce Lee, and Edward Norton.


For their part, ectomorphic women stand out for having narrow hips and small breasts. Furthermore, its limbs are long and its shoulders small .

In fact, ectomorphic women often look slender even in old age. Examples of famous ectomorphs are Cameron Diaz, Taylor Swift, and Jane Fonda .

How should the diet of an ectomorph be to gain muscle mass?

Now that we know what it means to be an ectomorph, we can talk about what the diet of a person with this somatotype should be like . In this regard, it must be said that these people, if they want to gain muscle mass, must consume more calories than other somatotypes, because their accelerated metabolism expends energy very quickly.

Since ectomorphs also tend to fill up faster, it is advisable to adopt strategies focused on increasing calorie consumption .

Mujer ectomorfa

A good option is to divide the food into multiple portions . In this way it is possible to eat more than if you eat only the typical three meals a day. Another option is to eat a little faster than normal. Slow eaters tend to fill up more on less food. When you eat fast, you get the opposite effect, so it is a simple and effective technique to eat more.

Also, prioritizing liquid foods over solid foods is another good option. When food is eaten this way, it is possible to "trick the body" into eating more. The best option is to implement protein shakes in the diet .

It is worth mentioning that ectomorphs also require consuming a greater amount of foods with carbohydrates. Therefore, nutritional supplements are some of the best allies that an ectomorph that wants to gain muscle mass can have.

What should training an ectomorph be like?

Ectomorphs should not only follow a specific diet, but their training should also be, since they spend a greater amount of energy compared to other somatotypes.

In this sense, it is not recommended that ectomorphs train too often . A workout of just three days a week could be enough to get good results. Additionally, it is recommended that each training day be interspersed with a rest day. It must always be borne in mind that ectomorphs fall into excessive training more easily than other morphological types.

Finally, it should be mentioned that ectomorph workouts should also be short. Ideally, a period of between 45 minutes and one hour. Additionally, priority should be given to exercise routines that target multiple muscle groups at the same time .


  • Oroles, F. (2014). Research regarding the efficiency of the body strength development procedures on the ectomorph subjects. Marathon (1), 66 , 71 .
  • Sancler, V. (2018, November 19). Ectomorph | What is, definition, characteristics, men, women, diet, training . Euston96. https://www.euston96.com/ectomorfo/
  • Navarra, D. (2015, March 27). What is an ectomorph? Diariodenavarra.es. https://www.diariodenavarra.es/noticias/blogs/fitness/2015/03/27/que-un-ectomorfo-642431-3353.html