The best way to get your arms worked in no time

Want to get your arms worked in no time, but don’t know where to start? A good exercise routine is essential to achieve your goal, but there are also other factors at play that can be decisive when it comes to toning your muscles. In our article today we reveal the keys you must follow to develop your arms in a short time.

Exercises to get your arms worked in no time

If you have never worried about toning the muscles of the arms and now you want to start and achieve it in record time, we tell you that it is possible to achieve it. We must warn you, however, that this is not a miracle workout or diet. You must be constant and strict to be able to notice the changes in your body in a short time.

Dumbbell push-up

If you want to get some arms worked in a short time, we advise you to start with this simple exercise. The dumbbell elbow bend is pretty straightforward. If you don’t have dumbbells, don’t worry: you can fill water bottles with this liquid, with sand or with rice, for example. What you are looking for is something that has a little weight.

Los ejercicios con mancuernas ayudan a desarrollar músculos

We recommend doing 2 to 3 sets of 15 repetitions each . How to run it? Start by picking up the dumbbells and placing your elbows at the hips. Raise your arms (flexing your elbows) to shoulder height and lower them to mid-thighs. To do this exercise correctly, you must keep your back straight, your shoulders down, and extend your arms as much as possible when stretching. As a last tip, we recommend running it slowly.

Push-ups, essential to achieve arms worked in a short time

Push-ups are present in all training routines basically because they are very complete exercises; And, how could it be otherwise, they are also ideal for toning the arms. Lie on your stomach, feet together, and arms flexed and spread a little beyond shoulder width. Push the ground with your hands and raise your body so that your arms are fully extended and the only thing on your body that touches the ground are your hands and the balls of your feet.

For the exercise to have the desired effect on your arms, we recommend doing controlled movements: don’t go crazy going up and down. In addition, you must keep your back very straight and, incidentally, contract your abdomen. If you still have a hard time doing push-ups, we advise you to bend your knees, it will be much easier for you!

Las flexiones son ejercicios ideales para tonificar los brazos

Triceps Dips

Dips are exercises that promise to tone your arm muscles. For its execution you will need a bank to lean on. Stand with your back to the bench, with your hands resting on it and bring your body forward (as if you were sitting in some kind of invisible chair). Keep your feet flat on the ground and your legs slightly apart.

Bend your arms and lower your body. Stretch and return to the starting position. This exercise is advised to do slowly to see best results.

Feeding to get your arms worked in no time

Exercises alone are not enough. When it comes to toning your muscles, diet plays an important role. And it is that with a balanced diet you eliminate fat and help to develop muscles. In case you have not yet lost weight and you are in the process and at the same time want to tone your arms, the first thing is to get rid of the calories.

The caloric deficit is essential to achieve your goal. We advise you to consult a diet that adheres to your needs and does not impose a diet like that just because. It is best to inform yourself and, if possible, go to an expert who designs a suitable meal plan. Within the diet, proteins play an important role. You want to build muscle and lose fat, and protein is perfect for that.

As for habits, we advise you to eat after your training routine. It is very important that you inform yourself about catabolism and the effects it has on muscle development.

Drink lots of water to help get your arms worked in no time

Drinking 2 liters of water a day is not only recommended for health, it is also important for exercise. If you are on a diet while trying to tone your arms, water plays a key role. To begin with, the water has a satiating function, which will help you not to overeat. But we tell you that water is also essential to stay hydrated while you exercise, especially if it is very hot.

Finally we tell you that the muscles, tendons, joints and ligaments must be well hydrated to avoid injuries (in addition to being healthy, of course). The best way to do this is by drinking as much water as you can.

Beber agua te ayudará a conseguir unos brazos trabajados en poco tiempo

Get enough rest

Muscle training is recommended twice a week, and can be extended up to 3. However, it is an estimate that varies from person to person and is influenced by factors such as age, weight, metabolism, and so on.

Whether you have to train more or less days, we tell you that you have to get enough rest. You must allow your muscles to recover with rest: do not kill yourself in strenuous routines in order to see your muscles developed in a short time. In the end, you will only get injured, and that will only take you away from your goal.

Do not train every day and, in addition, you should seek to rest properly at night. And it is that even while you sleep, your body continues working.