Red rice yeast benefits

Red rice yeast has become very fashionable today, although it was already used in traditional Chinese medicine. When rice comes into contact with a microscopic fungus, Monascus purpureus, it ferments and acquires that characteristic red color. It also achieves that peculiar flavor. As we have already mentioned, red rice yeast is not a new product, since in Asia it was used in traditional medicine and today it is incorporated in many dishes, especially in sauces, meats and marinated vegetables. If you want to know everything about this peculiar product, we will explain everything below.

What are the benefits of red rice yeast?

One of the main characteristics of the monascus purpureus fungus, which is what makes rice ferment and acquire that red color, is the production of monacolin, specifically monacolin K.

Monacolin K is a natural statin that is directly related to the maintenance of cholesterol levels when consumed 10 mg daily. That is, moderate consumption of red rice yeast can help lower the total level of cholesterol in the blood . In fact this is one of its main uses.

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If we say that the consumption of this type of rice should be moderate, it is because it has been detected that the statin can cause muscle pain, since it could reduce the level of coenzyme Q10 in the body. Therefore, it is important to ensure that you have a healthy intake of coenzyme Q10 or ensure that the yeast supplement includes this enzyme to make up for the deficiency.

We do not mean that 10 mg of red rice yeast should be consumed, but 10 mg of monacolin K. That is, the amount of this statin that rice contains must be calculated so as not to exceed and maintain cholesterol within normal levels and enjoy the benefits of this product.

It has also been found that red rice yeast contains isoflavones and sterols, which act as adjuvants and have lipid-lowering properties. That is, they act as protectors against oxidative stress .

When to take red rice yeast?

In order to avoid adverse effects, whenever we want to introduce a medicinal plant or a food supplement like this into our diet, we should ask a specialist for advice. In addition, in this case we would be talking about monacolin K, which has been shown to have side effects in doses higher than those recommended , as well as to cause interactions with other medications. It is very important to inform the specialist if you are already taking any type of cholesterol medication.

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What side effects does it have?

Some mild side effects have been detected, hence this product has had so much controversy among specialists. These effects include abdominal discomfort, heartburn, gas, headache and dizziness . However, these have been associated with an incorrect consumption of this type of rice.

Side effects have also been linked to alcohol consumption, as mixing the two products could lead to liver damage. As well as side effects have been detected in people taking certain immunosuppressants, grapefruit, cholesterol-lowering drugs, statin or liver toxic drugs, herbs, and supplements.

Also, red yeast rice is not recommended for pregnant or lactating women. It is also discouraged for children and adolescents, people over 70 years of age and those who suffer from some type of disease. For all this, we always advise consulting with a specialist.

How to take red yeast rice?

As we have already mentioned, the most advisable way to take this product correctly is to have the supervision of a specialist and do it only in case of cholesterol problems . In these circumstances, and in order to protect cardiovascular health, it can be taken in doses of a maximum of 10 mg daily.

Normally this product is marketed in pharmacies and dietetics in the form of capsules , which have an amount equal to or less than 10 mg of monacolin K. With one of these capsules a day it is more than enough to keep cholesterol at bay and take care of health cardiovascular.


Red rice yeast, as its name suggests, comes from rice, which has been fermented due to the action of the fungus monascus purpureus. Its consumption is directly associated with cardiovascular problems, since it contains monacolin K, which is capable of lowering total cholesterol levels.

Despite its properties and benefits, many specialists have opposed its consumption, since it has different adverse effects. Despite this, it has been shown that if it is consumed correctly and following the instructions of a specialist there should not be any type of problem. In addition, red rice yeast is consumed in capsules, which do not exceed the maximum amount of monacolin K, which is what could cause these side effects. It should also be noted that it cannot be mixed with some types of medication, as well as alcohol. For all this it is better to always have the supervision of a specialist.