Keto diet What does it consist of and how does it help you lose weight?

The Keto diet , also known as the ketogenic diet, is a diet high in fat and very low in carbohydrates . Unlike the Dukan diet or the Atkins diet, which according to some studies could put health at risk, the Keto diet is believed to be healthier.

What is the Keto diet?

It focuses on the intake of foods rich in good fats and proteins , such as oily fish or avocado; carbohydrate-rich foods, such as cereals and sugar, are eliminated; and fruits and vegetables are reduced. With this change in diet, the body begins a process of blood ketosis very similar to fasting. When the body intentionally induces itself into ketosis , it begins to burn fat for energy that it used to get from carbohydrates. If you burn fat, you lose weight .

Aguacate dieta

Foods allowed on the Keto diet

Vegetables : the best are those that grow on the surface of the earth because they are low in carbohydrates, such as artichokes, aubergines, broccoli, celery and chard.

Fruits : Raspberries, strawberries and blackberries (red fruits) are the best, but they can only be eaten in small amounts because, in general, they all contain carbohydrates.

Nuts : Macadamia nuts and pecans are the best allies and can be eaten at will.

Cheeses : it is an essential element in the Keto diet. The vast majority of cheeses are low in carbohydrates and high in healthy fats.

Queso dieta

Meat : the best is organic meat because its high content of antioxidants and Omega-3 fatty acids.

Fish : the best is blue fish, rich in Omega-3, such as salmon, mackerel, sardines or tuna. Seafood is also very good for this type of diet.

Other recommended foods : extra virgin olive oil, olives, eggs, butter, dark chocolate, coffee and tea.

Forbidden foods on the Keto diet

Avoid pasta, rice, potatoes, corn, peas, beans, carrots, watermelon, papaya, pineapple, mango, canned or processed fruit and vegetables, pastries, sugary drinks, bread … That is, foods that contain sugar and starch .

How does the Keto diet help you lose weight?

Carbohydrates are what give the body energy, so the body looks for this energy in fats when we reduce its intake. When the body’s fat stores are burned into ketones that feed the brain and muscles, weight loss occurs .

Perder peso

Is it a safe diet?

Every diet has its advantages and disadvantages . The Keto diet should not be a problem for a healthy person because it can lower blood glucose levels and can even improve ailments such as fatty liver. However, if the diet is not carried out in a correct and controlled way, the muscle mass could be damaged and organic alterations could occur.

It is also important to note that not everyone can follow the same diets . The Keto diet is not recommended for those who suffer from diabetes, hypertension or heart problems, also women who are breastfeeding or pregnant.

If in doubt, it is better to consult a specialist before starting a diet to lose weight.