Healthy food ideas to cook on a barbecue in summer

There are few little pleasures in life that can compare to enjoying the cool of a summer night while listening to the sizzle of the grill and smelling the aroma of freshly grilled meat surrounded by family and friends . Here we talk about healthy food to cook on a barbecue so that you do not have to deprive yourself of this taste even if you are dieting.

5 healthy food ideas to cook on a barbecue

White and lean meats

Another healthy food to cook on a barbecue that can significantly reduce the fat content in our dishes are white meats such as chicken, rabbit or turkey and the leanest cuts of meat of red meat . For example, in the case of beef and pork, it is better to select loins and round cuts rather than serving fattier pieces such as chops or ribs. If you decide to cook chicken, a good trick to reduce fat is to remove the skin first – since it absorbs all the juices and fat during cooking – or to choose chicken breasts and wings instead of the thighs.

Homemade and vegetarian burgers

Burgers are an essential piece that cannot be missing in the classic summer barbecue, but they have the disadvantage that they are a fairly fatty food. If you like hamburgers, a good option to make them healthier is to make them at home instead of buying those that are already prepared. Go to your nearest butcher shop and order Turkey breast minced meat or a strip of loin and make your own homemade hamburgers with it. They will be just as tasty and will be much healthier. And, if you want to go one step further, you can encourage yourself to prepare delicious vegetarian burgers made with legumes and oats that will not go unnoticed by your guests.

Verduras a la parrilla: comida saludable para cocinar en una barbacoa

Grilled vegetables

Although it is usually the star element, meat is not the only thing that can be grilled on the barbecue and there are many other products whose flavor is enhanced by the fire of the grill . A good example of this is vegetables, which is the best healthy food to cook on a barbecue. Tomatoes, onions, aubergines, peppers and mushrooms are typical elements of a good vegetable grill, but you can also try others that work just as well such as asparagus, corn on the cob, broccoli, zucchini or carrot slices to add color and flavor. Try marinating the vegetables a few hours before in a little oil, salt, pepper and a dash of lemon, and you will achieve a spectacular result.

Grilled fish

Grilled fish can be a delicious healthy food alternative to cook on a barbecue instead of the typical red meat on the barbecue. Rich in omega 3 fatty acids, fish provides a series of benefits for our body such as improving heart health, brain function and mental health . Choose fresh fish like salmon, mackerel, or swordfish and enjoy a tasty protein dish.

Caramelized fruits

Who says you can’t make a delicious grilled dessert? Although it is not usual, the truth is that there are some fruits that work great with fire and can become the perfect healthy food to cook on a barbecue and save the dessert. Put some slices of pineapple, nectarines, plums and peaches on the barbecue and you will get a spectacular result, since the natural sugars caramelize with the heat, giving rise to a delicious flavor. Let stand to warm before serving and enjoy. You will repeat!

Tips for eating healthier on a barbecue

There is no use in striving to serve healthy entrees on a barbecue if they are not served with the right accompaniments later. Sauces, drinks, appetizers and condiments also play a very important role in creating a healthy menu, so it is important to keep these tips in mind:

Replace industrial white bread with whole wheat bread

Change the typical hamburger buns for whole grain breads with a lot of fiber . With this, you will not only achieve more flavor and texture , but you will also help your hamburgers to be much healthier and less fattening. There are plenty of interesting and nutritious options available like rye, oatmeal, or buckwheat breads , to name a few.

Try healthy snacks

Change the typical potato chips and canned olives for sticks of vegetables such as carrots, celery or red pepper accompanied by hummus or guacamole for dipping.

Hummus con verduras para servir en una barbacoa saludable

Avoid heavy sauce and seasonings

Reduce the salt, sugar and fat content of your barbecue by swapping out preservative-filled industrial dressings for simple ingredients like olive oil and fresh herbs and spices . The same goes for sauces such as ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard or tomato barbecue sauce, which provide a lot of unnecessary calories: it is better to replace them with healthier ones such as yogurt-based sauces , which combine very well with grilled foods.

Drink water

Soft drinks and alcohol make you fat throughout the year, but during the summer its influence is more noticeable since due to the heat we tend to be more thirsty and consume more. Avoid them and substitute them for water or homemade lemonade without sugar to make your barbecue healthier.