Diets "don't work"

Usually much of the population is heard talking about how difficult it is to lose or gain weight. In turn, a large part of the population spends years trying to make diets that, due to various factors, end up abandoning them soon after. All this causes great frustration at the lack of results.

In this article we are going to explain certain points that should be taken into account when making a diet or nutritional plan.


The most important aspect will be individualization. Any diet is not for anyone. We cannot try to search the internet for an "x" diet that serves a large part of the population.

Each individual has a different goal, metabolism, calorie needs, tastes, and social situations.

Therefore, follow a nutritional plan that is specially designed according to your needs .

Express changes

Another aspect to highlight is the attempt to have radical changes in a short space of time. To do this, very restrictive diets or miracle diets are usually followed, which have many detriments to our health.

These types of diets usually consist of a certain promise of losing "X" kilograms in a short time. To do this, they often restrict food consumption to only certain foods. These types of diets, far from approaching our goal, will cause a great negative psychological and physiological impact .

The most important thing is to follow a nutritional plan that we can maintain over time , since it is useless to make a big change in a short time, if later we are going to return to a lousy food intake. This the only thing that will generate will be eating disorders problems.

Matter of habits

As we said earlier, it is about having a correct food structure. This structure must constitute a healthy and balanced diet covering our nutritional needs.

This should be part of our habits and should be maintained throughout life , not just for a short period of time.

Once we have instilled a correct food structure, we can increase or decrease our caloric intake according to our objective. However, the basis will always be the same.