Can you lose weight with low impact exercises?

If you're looking to get results from your training routine, doing low-impact exercises may seem less profitable. Anything that starts with "bass" sounds less harsh, so it should be less effective, right? You are not right.

There is a misconception that low-impact exercise is not effective for improving or maintaining fitness. But if the intensity is correct, it is possible to get fit and lose body fat with these types of workouts.

hombre haciendo ejercicios de bajo impacto

What are low impact exercises?

When we talk about "impact," what we really mean is the amount of force that a certain movement exerts on your body.

Some of the movements that put a great deal of stress on the joints can be jumping, running, jumping, basically anything that makes you lift one or both feet off the ground and then land. When you land, your joints receive a lot of impact force from the ground.

Making them low-impact just means putting less physical stress on the joints. Any movement that does not subject your joints to that impact force from the ground can be considered low impact.

Another way to think about these types of exercises are movements that keep at least one foot on the ground at all times, so they will have less impact than exercises in which both feet are lifted off the ground.

A great example is the low-impact split squat, in which you have both feet on the ground and simply bend your knees and straighten them again. Compare that to a jumping lunge, where you start in a split squat, jump off the ground, land again, and do it again.

Another simple example is the difference between walking and running, in which the impact of walking is typically 1 to 1.5 times the body weight, while the impact of running varies from 2 to 3 times the body weight.

Examples of low-impact exercise include swimming, cycling, elliptical machine use, rowing, and yoga.

hombre haciendo natacion de bajo impacto

4 benefits of low impact exercises

These types of exercises put the least amount of impact on the joints and can be a good thing, for people of all ages and fitness levels.

They are gentle on the joints

The biggest benefit of low-impact exercises is that they are much easier on the joints than exercises that make you jump, jump, or lift your feet off the ground and then hit them hard. This is an advantage for many reasons.

It allows someone with limitations, such as arthritis joint pain or injury recovery, to reap the benefits of exercise while minimizing the risk of high-impact exercise, which can exacerbate joint pain or delay recovery from injury.

Older adults, people living with obesity, unfit adults, and those new to training can also benefit from this type of exercise; It can help them get started on an exercise routine and reduce the risk of joint injury.

Lower impact exercises allow you to train more consistently and frequently over a long run without necessarily spending that much time recovering.

But less impact is also beneficial for anyone who wants to keep moving and keep their joints healthy for the long term, even if they don't have pre-existing joint injuries or conditions.

Because if you can do a great workout, burn calories, and build muscle with minimal stress on your joints, why wouldn't you?

However, if you are lifting heavy weights and maxing out Your muscles , you want to make sure you get enough rest between workouts to allow your muscles to recover, no matter how much impact you are engaging. The difference is that low-impact movements will reduce the time you need to rest to avoid joint pain and other injuries that can occur as a result of the force used during your workout.

They help burn calories and build muscle

Low impact does not mean low intensity. However, it is true that low intensity workouts are usually low impact. There are many exercises that are, by nature, high intensity but low impact.

For example, battle ropes are a great challenge for your cardiovascular system, but since your feet stay on the ground, there is no impact involved. The kettlebell swings are another great exercise high intensity and low impact.

Strength training , in its purest form, has extremely low impact. Anything that has you standing and lifting, like squats, deadlifts, or bench presses, will be easier on your joints, but it can be quite intense at the same time.

That's because simply adding more weight will make any strength exercise more intense. In fact, the phrase "increase intensity" is often synonymous with "gain weight." Although there is less stress on the joints, lifting more weight will put more strain on your muscles and your heart, resulting in increased calorie burn and more potential for strength gain.

persona entrenando con battle ropes de bajo impacto

You can build more muscle mass with low-impact strength training, and that, in turn, can increase your metabolic rate. High-impact exercises are usually bodyweight only, so the main way to increase intensity is to move faster. Although it can result in more calories burned during exercise, it is not the best way to build muscle mass or strength. The way to build muscle is to progressively overload your muscles, allowing you to continually put them under a challenging load.

You can progressively overload your muscles in different ways: just lift heavier weights or use resistance bands to level up your bodyweight exercises in different planes of motion.

You can also put more consistent and constant tension on your muscles by slowing down. Putting the muscles under more tension and / or increasing the time they are under tension is what pushes them to adapt and get stronger.

Improve your mobility

Many low-impact exercises are great for improving mobility. And although many people neglect mobility movements, it is important if you want your body to function like a well-oiled machine.

Low-impact, body-weight exercises make you move your body in all directions and planes of motion, without exerting any force on the joints.

When you take the shock out of a workout, you can focus on moving through a full range of motion and on technique. Hip mobility work, glute strengthening exercises, and spinal twists are all joint-friendly movements that will help your body function better.

A mobility workout is also the perfect active recovery option. It promotes blood flow to ease pain, makes you a little sweaty, and keeps muscles and joints moving in full range of motion.

They are good for stress relief

Low intensity mobility workouts are simply a great way to relieve stress. And if there is one thing that we all agree on, it is that we all feel the tension more than ever.
Science defends that exercise has a positive effect on mental health and the ability to cope with difficult situations.

If you feel like you need to move and sweat a bit every day to keep your mood in check, low-impact workouts are a great option to avoid overtraining. The last thing you want to do when you're already stressed is exacerbate any existing joint problems and have something else to worry about.