8 mistakes you make when urinating (and how to avoid them)

Urinating is one of the most natural human behaviors that we must do several times throughout the day. Most of us are taught to use the toilet to empty the bladder from a young age. So small that we don't even remember.

But we don't all do it the same. As we pee with the door closed, it does not come up as a topic of conversation to share our practices. If we do it correctly, the pelvic floor muscles see great benefits.

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Taking time to fully relax your pelvic floor muscles while going to the bathroom will allow you to fully empty your bladder, which will significantly reduce the risk of bladder infections and / or pelvic floor muscle dysfunction.

How to urinate correctly? The worst mistakes when peeing

You wipe from back to front

This habit may have been indicated to you in your first few times when you went to the bathroom alone, and it is possible that you continue to this day.

Wiping from back to front can introduce stool and fluids near the urethra or urine hole, which can lead to a urinary tract infection.
Whenever you go to the bathroom, whether it's the first time or the second, make an effort to wipe yourself from front to back.

You push while you urinate

Holding your breath while urinating or pushing with your abdominal muscles to speed up the process won't hurt if you do it every now and then, but if you do it as a daily habit, it can weaken your bladder.

Doing this daily or even several times a day can make the bladder weak and at the same time put more pressure on the pelvic organs. This can cause multiple problems, including pelvic organ prolapse, difficulty emptying the bladder and even have hemorrhoids.

Relax as much as possible and allow the pee stream to flow at its natural rate.

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You squat instead of sitting

When you go to the bathroom, it is best to sit and relax, although we know that it is difficult if you visit a public place. But if you squat or "float" on the toilet, you are squeezing the pelvic floor, limiting the force with which the bladder can contract to empty.

Over time, this forces you to use your abs to empty, and your bladder becomes sluggish and you may have a hard time emptying on its own even when sitting.

You hold your urine for as long as you can

Ignoring the need to go to the toilet can compromise bladder health and disrupt normal function.

If you feel like urinating, but are holding on for long periods of time (five or more hours), you could reduce your brain's ability to perceive the fullness of the bladder, as well as potentially strain the stretch receptors in the wall of the bladder. bladder, making them less sensitive. This bladder confusion could lead to urine leakage or bladder infections, among other problems.

It is recommended to urinate between two and four hours to avoid this problem.

You're gonna pee when you really don't need to

Trying to empty your bladder frequently in case you have to do it at the wrong time may seem sensible, but it's not good for your bladder health.

If you go to the bathroom without waiting for an appropriate impulse, you will train your bladder to be more sensitive to filling and have more frequent urges to urinate. If this is one of your bathroom habits, you should train your bladder with the help of a pelvic floor physical therapist.

You rush the process

Even if you are short on time, it is not advisable to be in a rush when using the service. Peeing in a hurry means you may not empty your bladder completely, which can lead to leaks or accidents.

It is best to give yourself enough time in the bathroom to completely empty your bladder. This way, your bladder can fill up from scratch instead of coming back an hour later when you only emptied halfway.

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You stoop when you sit

Like squatting, slouching while urinating can put unnecessary pressure on your bladder and can even make it difficult for you to urinate.

If you don't allow your bladder to contract naturally, you may not completely empty your bladder or find that more urine comes out as you straighten up. It is best to sit upright or lean slightly forward with your arms relaxed across your legs.

Do Kegel exercises while urinating

Doing Kegel exercises, an exercise in which you alternate tightening and relaxing your pelvic floor muscles, has many benefits, but can actually cause problems if you do it while you pee.

The bladder and pelvic floor have a reflex junction with each other that encourages the other to relax while one is contracted. So if you do Kegel exercises during urination, this stops your bladder from contracting and once you let go, the flow stops.

These types of exercises while you pee can teach your bladder to partially empty, leading to starting / stopping the flow of urine that is out of your control.