7 low-carb snacks that will fully satisfy you

Carbohydrates or carbohydrates are the fuel of our body. These are transformed into sugars that give you the energy to carry out your physical activities or even breathe. That is why this group of foods should not be reduced in quantity, since your physical integrity will be compromised. The key is choosing the right carbs .

Simple carbohydrates are quickly transformed into sugar, which leads to the urge to eat more quickly, unlike foods based on complex or whole carbohydrates. Therefore, it is essential to choose the carbohydrates that suit your needs and make you feel satisfied for longer.

Meet 7 irresistible low-carbohydrate snacks that will help you fulfill this purpose.

Snacks saludables bajos en hidratos para llenar tu estómago

7 low-carb snacks that will satisfy you

1. Pumpkin pie truffles

This delicious treat contains only natural ingredients such as pumpkin puree and crushed coconut. It is also a snack that you can totally customize if you add spices such as ginger, cinnamon or cloves.

You can eat them at any time of the day and you will be receiving high amounts of collagen, which will ensure your skeletal health, your joints, nails and hair.

Trufas de calabaza para comer un postre bajo en hidratos

2. Lemon and macadamia truffles

These delicious snacks have a more subtle flavor than it might appear at first glance. The cocoa butter and vanilla give it a smooth flavor and creamy texture. In addition, the contribution of good fats is considerable, thanks to the macadamia nuts and the pieces of coconut that make this dessert a whole experience of textures.

Trufas de limón y macadamia bajas en hidratos

3. Chocolate and collagen snack

This is a chocolate bar that will kill all your cravings. It is made with collagen protein and avocado oil, two ingredients that incredibly boost the level of benefits of this snack. In it, you will also find Omega-3 thanks to avocado and high levels of protein that will keep you satiated.

Prueba un snack de chocolate y colágeno bajo en hidratos

4. Chocolate and peanut butter snack

This snack is a classic in many houses around the world. It is very simple to prepare and its peanut filling can be perfectly alternated with other nuts of preference. This is a snack rich in omega-3, good fats and proteins from peanuts.

There is an alternative with coconut oil, a decision also beneficial due to the high amount of nutrients and good fats in this oil.

Snack bajo en hidratos de chocolate y cacahuete

5. Peanut butter snacks

A snack with just 5 ingredients is what many busy people need, who are aware of the importance of having a full stomach and an energetic body.

You can make vanilla or cinnamon to make the experience of eating this snack more unforgettable. In addition, these spices will offer the opportunity to dispense with the refined sugar from the mix.

Snacks de mantequilla de cacahuete bajos en hidratos

6. Carob and coconut snacks

This snack has a contribution of just 37 calories, no sugar and 1 g of carbohydrates.

This impressive dessert uses protein and collagen to satisfy your appetite. All the benefits come from carob flour and MCT (Medium Chain Triglycerides) oil, a coconut derivative that is giving a lot to talk about for its array of benefits.

We leave you the best offers of MCT oil

7. Maple and walnut truffles

This snack is loaded with 26g of good fats and just 4g of carbohydrates, most of which comes from fiber.

Maple extract, vanilla and cinnamon will give it an irresistible sweet taste. On the other hand, nuts will add complexity to your texture and all the benefits of nuts.

Receta de trufas de nueces con coco


These snacks will make your diet and routine a fascinating aspect of your life. Not only will you be constantly surrounded by unforgettable flavors and textures, but you will be improving your health along the way.


  • Fitzpatrick, K. 7 Keto Bombs for a Satisfying Low-Carb Snack. For Dailyburn [Revised January 2018].