Know the benefits of the astringent diet

Some diseases such as diarrhea or gastroenteritis have malnutrition as secondary consequences. This makes it necessary to take measures to replace nutritional loss. The benefits of the astringent diet make it the favorite diet for these situations.

It is important to note that some stomach diseases cause a change in the shape of the stool, making it soft or liquid. This results in pain and upset stomach. These symptoms do not usually represent a serious problem, but they can be very annoying .

Beneficios de la dieta astringente

In this sense, the use of the astringent diet is presented as a nutritional support for the body, since it is a diet characterized by the consumption of soft foods that are easy to digest, so they do not imply a great effort for the body. digestive system. As a result, it is easier to replenish the fluids that the body has lost.

What is the astringent diet?

This is the diet that is recommended for patients with stomach diseases , for example, diarrhea. Its main benefit is that it helps people with these diseases to quickly recover the minerals and vitamins that have been lost as a result of the disease.

It is made up of easy-to-digest foods and large amounts of fluids . Because it is a fairly simple diet, it is not necessary to go to a nutritionist or doctor to develop a specific diet plan. Therefore, it is available to anyone.


The soft diet, as it is also known, promotes recovery in people with diseases such as gastroenteritis, acute and chronic diarrhea or other diseases that alter the proper functioning of the digestive system .


It should be noted that it is the easiest measure to apply when a disease of this type occurs. In some cases it is possible that the sole use of this diet will alleviate the disease. However, if after three days of maintaining the diet there is no noticeable improvement in symptoms, it is best to see a doctor.

This is because certain clinical conditions are more serious, so it may be necessary to supplement the use of the astringent diet with some pharmacological treatments .

What are the benefits of the astringent diet?

Among the benefits of the astringent diet there are two that are key :

Contributes to the hydration of the body

Proper hydration is essential for good health. When there is a factor that hinders hydration, as is the case with multiple stomach diseases, the astringent diet manages to replenish the body’s fluids more effectively than other diets.

Improves health

Not only does this diet help prevent symptoms of stomach illnesses from getting worse, it also helps improve overall health . That is why in some cases it may be enough to apply it to make the body recover completely.

Pescado blanco

The explanation for this lies in the fact that this diet reduces intestinal work, which hinders the development of the disease, since many stomach diseases benefit from intestinal overexertion to become stronger .

Foods to avoid to reap the benefits of the astringent diet

When a stomach illness occurs, it is crucial to suspend the consumption of certain foods as part of the application of the astringent diet . This is because there are some foods that require a great intestinal effort for their assimilation. Among these are the following:

  • Raw vegetables like cabbage or cauliflower.
  • Dairy products such as yogurt with lactose, cheese or milk.
  • Nuts.
  • Any type of sauces due to its high amount of unhealthy fats.
  • Sugary soft drinks and alcoholic beverages.
  • Whole grains because they have a laxative effect that negatively affects the digestive system in case of illness.
  • Chocolates or any other kind of sweets.
  • Coffee.
  • spices.
  • Sausages, foods rich in salt and fried foods.
  • Orange juice.

It is important to emphasize that this is only a temporary suspension . That is, when the disease is relieved and it is no longer necessary to reap the benefits of the astringent diet, it will be possible to reintroduce all these foods into the regular diet.

Recommended foods to plan the astringent diet

Just as there are foods that should be avoided so as not to hinder the astringent diet, there are some foods that are highly recommended when using this diet . Therefore, if you are going to use it, you should consider including one or more of the following food groups:

  • Vegetables such as potatoes and carrots, as they are easy to digest and their properties will help cleanse the body .
  • White meat and white fish due to their high concentration of protein. It is important that they be steamed or grilled, but they should never be fried .
  • Fruits such as baked apple, lemon, quince or ripe banana, especially when you feel stomach pain .
  • Eggs because they are one of the most complete sources of protein. They can be prepared in the form of an omelet or cooked.
  • Natural yogurt, because unlike yogurt with lactose or fruit-based, it has important medicinal effects on the stomach, as it helps to recover the intestinal flora.
  • Liquids, since they constitute one of the most important elements to obtain the benefits of the astringent diet. Among the best liquids that can be consumed are water and chamomile tea or other similar infusions. As an alternative, it is possible to drink low-fat broths, oral solution or rice or carrot water.
  • Oil, but only in low quantities.
  • Small amounts of carbohydrates such as pasta, rice or toasted white bread can be consumed when the stomach is upset and are an important source of energy.

Phases of the astringent diet

If you want to enjoy the benefits of the astringent diet, it is not enough that you avoid some foods and strive to include others, it is also necessary that the planning of the diet goes through four phases. This ensures that your application will be as optimal as possible .

First phase

In this phase, the most important thing is to concentrate your efforts on the consumption of liquids. This is the stage in which stomach discomfort is most intense, so supplying enough fluids to the body will be key to recovery.

Second stage

In this phase, emphasis should be placed on the consumption of soft foods such as ripe bananas, baked apples, mashed potatoes, among others.

Third phase

If improvements in symptoms are noted, foods with high protein content should be introduced gradually. It is important that foods with a high protein concentration are steamed or grilled, so that the amount of fat in them is minimal.

Fourth phase

In the fourth and final phase, you should begin to gradually add common foods. The amount of food of this type that can be introduced will depend on the evolution of the symptoms .

To conclude, it should be mentioned that the benefits of the astringent diet can only be appreciated when you have stomach problems . If this is not the case, there is no point in using this diet. On the other hand, it should be noted that it is a counterproductive diet for people with constipation, since in such cases it can worsen symptoms.