What benefits do organic foods provide?

Eating healthy is one of the most recent concerns in society. Fortunately, more and more people are examining in detail everything they are going to eat and end up choosing to consume organic or ecological products. Surely you know some flea market or natural food store where they sell the best vegetables and fruits, right?

Hearing that " supermarket fruit has no flavor " is common and not entirely wrong. Industrialized products are often full of chemicals, making them synthetic, beautiful and tasteless food.
We tell you what organic food is and its benefits compared to conventional ones.

What does it mean to be ecological?

When we call something "organic", we are referring to the way in which farmers and ranchers take care of their products (fruits, vegetables, cereals, dairy products or meat). Regarding organic agriculture, we find that they have designed processes to improve the quality of the soil and water, reduce pollution and achieve a sustainable period of resources.

Organic food is produced in the most natural way possible. Synthetic fertilizers that add nutrients to the soil, pesticides that control pests, and antibiotics for livestock are not allowed. It should be noted that organic farming also uses fertilizers and pesticides, but naturally. It is a production method that takes much more care of the environment and produces healthier food.

What benefits do they offer compared to conventional foods?

Before telling you what benefits organic food brings us, it is necessary to say that conventional foods are totally suitable for consumption. Remember that all the products we find in supermarkets have gone through quality control. Another issue is that there are certain components that are not healthy and we prefer to avoid them.

  • Organic food is obtained from pure natural ingredients, without genetic modification or added synthetic products. Thus, we respect the natural balance and the true flavor of the food continues to be maintained.
  • As it is a process that uses natural products, the local biodiversity will be increasing.
  • Water and soil contamination is diminished thanks to the fact that obtaining organic food requires the use of low-solubility natural fertilizers.
  • Also, it contributes to better air quality by not using pesticides.
  • It reduces or eliminates the appearance of hyperglycemia, since many conventional foods contain refined sugars that our body quickly assimilates.
  • The nutritional values of foods are best preserved when they are fresh and matured in sunlight.
  • They contribute to a greater labor supply thanks to the fact that the production of organic food requires more labor.