Understanding women is not an easy task for men!

The female gender has always been a mystery to gentlemen . With that of which it is very difficult to understand each other and to know what goes through our mind. The truth is that, many times, we don’t even know what we want. Making living with men a complicated task. So, we thought the best thing would be to make a manual for the kids . In which we make them understand what we expect from them. In this case, we want to clarify which are those ideal tricks for men to understand women.

The truth is that both men and women like to know their weakest points. This, in a good sense of the word. We all love that they please us and that they practically read our minds. The problem is that very few guys can understand women. And, much less, can they read your thoughts or catch your hints. Which is constantly a hindrance and annoyance for many girls. That is why, when it comes to reflecting on why men find this task so difficult, it is good to think about what we are doing wrong as women.

Blame them or us?

Truth be told, no one is to blame. The real problem is that men and women are so different that it is difficult to achieve the perfect understanding. It is difficult for them to put themselves in our position as women and vice versa. Still, that’s what we want all the time, to be understood and accepted based on our needs. It is for this reason that much of the misunderstandings between many couples occur. Of course, too, there are guys who don’t make the slightest effort to understand their girl. In other words, they do not feel the need to understand women. And there are girls who do the same. This happens especially in those people who love being single and do not want to have a permanent partner.

Which is not bad, if you do not want anything formal. But, in the case of those who love their partner and want to avoid inconveniences in their relationship, they must find a way to understand each other. Understanding women, then, is necessary if you are the ideal man for your girl. In addition, having a better coexistence with women, in general, both with the partner, as with sisters, aunts, mothers, is the dream of every man. Precisely and based on this, it is worth knowing the woman and finding a solution to the conflicts that we sometimes present.

Avoid unleashing a woman’s anger!

Most likely, when a girl is upset with her partner, something has happened to make it happen. So the first thing men do is remember what they could have done wrong. Although, this rarely works. For this reason, they often ask what happened and why we have such an attitude. Which, commonly, unleashes the girl’s anger. Surely more than one who reads these words, what we describe has happened to him. So in situations like this it is very difficult to understand women. However, this is because, on certain occasions, we do not know how to express ourselves .

It could be said that at this point the problem of the situation falls. Generally, women faced with a conflict are not totally sincere and we keep quiet about certain things that annoy us, because we hope that the other person has it understood. That is why, when they ask us for sincerity, we exploit in a way that no one can control us. At the time it is too late to find a solution . Finally, we make the boys’ homework a bit difficult. Because really, when that kind of thing happens, it’s almost impossible to understand women.

Understand Women: There Are Reasons Men Can’t Do It

There will always be something that we bother about. All human beings are different and this is one reason that can cause conflict in relationships. We know that the world of men is much simpler and more uncomplicated than that of a woman. Girls, we have a thousand things on our mind all the time. Here are the most common reasons why men never understand women …

The period is approaching

In those days leading up to your period, everything seems to be worse. Our spirits are on the ground, we do not want to leave the house, much less socialize. And, just in those moments, it occurs to your boy to invite you to meet his friends. So it ends up being a terrible night. And, the first thing they think is that you have a very bad character . Or you don’t want your boyfriend to hang out with his friends. Therefore, you end up being the worst girlfriend , when in reality what you wanted was to stay home, watching a movie in your pajamas. In such cases, unfortunately, men cannot understand women.

Emotions are different

It is impossible for children to know what we feel during certain days when we are irritable, sad or intolerable. However, they can know the reason for our mood and mood swings at certain times. So, our duty, as women, is to try, where possible, to explain our reasons. Certainly, for them it is not possible to understand women, in the sense that they will not be able to feel an emotion in the same way as us. Nor have the typical ups and downs of those days of the period, for example. Despite this, kids can know how everything can improve and make you feel better. Good communication, through the correct expression of our emotions, can make the change that we expect in men.

I’m not ready for the moment

This is more common than many think. Well, it is truly uncomfortable to have to explain to the boy that you are not ready for the special moment . That is, sex. Perhaps because you did not go to the waxing session the day before or because you are in those days of the month. The reasons can be many, the issue is that it is difficult to explain. In this sense, we could say that boys can understand women. As long as we are able to express our discomfort.

Consejos para que los hombres puedan entender a las mujeres

Lack of comprehension

If your boy has not been able to understand you. Whether it’s about your period, whether you can’t have sex, or the mood or emotion you’re experiencing, then the best thing to do at that time is to take some time alone to avoid arguments. When you have tried to be honest and open up so that he feels more comfortable and can understand your situation, but you still cannot succeed, then you should avoid a fight. In these cases, it is most likely that he does not seek to understand women or is not interested; therefore, it is very difficult for him to put himself in your shoes. In relation to issues that, perhaps, in the future will be much more complex. So, it is worthwhile, in any case, to reconsider the situation and rethink your expectations as a partner .