The difference between Cappuccino, Latte and Macchiato

Deciphering the menu at the local coffee shop can be a bit difficult, even for the most coffee connoisseur.

Almost everyone knows what a Cappuccino is, but what is a Macchiato? and what about a latte? These drinks differ in terms of ingredients, caffeine content, and nutritional value, and it can get too confusing.

Cappuccino doesn’t sound very far from a macchiato, but while the names may seem based on the trend alone, there is actually a bit of history behind these drinks. Some even look a lot alike, but with just one sip, you’ll know that a cappuccino is definitely different from a latte or macchiato.

We take a closer look at some of the main differences and similarities between the different types of coffee .

¿Cuales son las diferencias entre latte, cappuccino y macchiato?

Recipes of the main coffee drinks

One of the main differences between these three caffeinated drinks is the way they are made.

1. Cappuccino

It is a popular coffee drink made by coating a jet of espresso with steamed milk and milk foam. Typically, it contains equal parts of each and is made up of about 1/3 espresso, 1/3 steamed milk, and 1/3 milk foam. This gives the final product a creamy, rich and smooth flavor and texture.

2. Latte

The term “Latte” literally translates to “coffee milk.”

Although there is no standard recipe for making a latte, it generally involves adding steamed milk to a single shot of espresso. In some cases, it is also covered with a light layer of foam, and sugars or sweeteners can also be mixed in.

Compared to the other drinks, the latte has a milder and slightly sweet taste, as it contains a higher proportion of steamed milk.

3. Macchiato

Traditionally, macchiato is made by combining a jet of espresso with a small jet of milk. However, there are many other variations available, including the latte macchiato , which is made by adding a squirt of espresso to a glass of hot milk.

Because macchiato is generally made using only a small amount of milk, it has a much stronger flavor than other coffee drinks. It is also much smaller than other drinks, with a standard serving of only 37 ml.

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How much caffeine do different types of coffee have?

All 3 drinks contain similar amounts of caffeine per serving. The cappuccinos and the latte; for example, they are each made with a dose of espresso and therefore contain the same amount of caffeine. In fact, a 16 oz (475 ml) medium cappuccino and a 16 oz (475 ml) medium latte each contain about 173 mg of caffeine.

Meanwhile, a 60ml macchiato contains about half the caffeine, with just over 85mg per serving.

Nutritional value of different types of coffee

These drinks contain varying amounts of milk and foam that can greatly alter their respective nutritional profiles.

Its nutrient content is influenced by the type of milk used, as well as the addition of sugar or sweeteners.

  • The latte contains the most milk and the highest in calories, fat and protein.
  • Cappuccinos contain slightly less milk, but still provide a good amount of calories, protein, and fat in each serving.
  • Macchiatos contain just a splash of milk and are significantly lower in calories, fat, and protein.
¿Cual es el valor nutricional de las bebidas con cafeína?


Now that you know all the information you need to order or make the perfect gourmet coffee , you are probably wondering which one you like best. If so, it helps to focus on two factors: how much foam you want, and how strong you want the espresso to taste.

If you prefer no foam or don’t want your coffee foam to have a great texture, choose a latte. On the other hand, if you like strong coffee , macchiatto is your best option.


  • Link, R. (2020). Cappuccino vs. Latte vs. Macchiato – What’s the Difference? For. Healthline. [Revised February 2020].
  • Azoury, A. (2019). Clearing Up The Difference Between The Cappuccino, The Latte, And The Macchiato. For. Homegrounds. [Revised February 2020].