The change that can make your planks more effective

Planks seem to be very easy, but they really are the opposite. Once you have mastered the correct position, you must have the willpower necessary to last the specified time.

One of the first things to keep in mind when doing a plank is to engage your glutes: this will not only help you maintain stability, but it will help you sculpt that area. The best thing is that you can take this exercise to a much higher level of difficulty, incorporating some exercises that help activate the gluteal area, to later be combined with other variants.

Discover the change to increase the effectiveness of your planks and take this exercise to its next level of demand.

Cómo hacer más desafiante la ejecución de planks

Tips to increase the effectiveness of your planks

1. Get in the right position

How to do it:

  1. Begin in a four-legged position, with your hands directly below your shoulders.
  2. Stretch your legs out behind you and place them on your toes, using your core to keep your body in a straight line, from head to hips and toes.
  3. Press on your heels to keep your shape and hold.

It is very important that your hips are not below the line with your back: this will make the exercise much less effective and it can also put a strain on your lower back.

Posición correcta para ejecutar planks

2. Engage the gluteal area

When doing planks, you must make sure you are getting all the benefits that this exercise can give you, such as building muscle mass and stabilizing the core. The question is: how can you do it? Well, quite simple: involving your glutes more.

Squeezing your glutes during a plank will help make the exercise much more effective, because it helps maintain proper shape, creating more stability and securing it at the same time.

It is recommended to do the plank exercises at least three times a week, doing three sets of 20 seconds, but it should be noted that it is important to take enough time to recover during each set.

Involucrar los glúteos al hacer planks

Exercises to activate your glutes

Before starting to do planks, it is recommended to incorporate some glute activation exercises , in this way you can prepare your muscles to make the most of the exercise.

Perform two sets of 12 reps each, rested for 30 seconds between each set.

Ejercicios para activar mejor tus glúteos

Hip bridge

How to do it:

  1. Lie on your back, with your arms at your sides and your knees bent, and your feet flat on the floor.
  2. Lift your hips up and squeeze your glutes once you reach the top of the movement.
  3. Lower your back to the ground.
Puente de caderas para activar los glúteos


How to do it:

  1. Start in a four-legged position, with your hands below your shoulders and your back flat.
  2. Keep your core tight to improve stability. Raise your right arm to shoulder height and lift your left leg back.
  3. Pause at this point for a moment and return to the starting position.

Repeat this movement with your left arm and right leg.

Ejercicio del Bird-Dog para activar glúteos

Challenging variations of planks

Leg raise plank

How to do it:

  1. Start in a high plank position, squeeze your glutes, and keep your shoulders directly over your hands.
  2. Raise one leg and hold it up for five to 10 seconds. Lower your leg back to start.
  3. Then lift the other leg, holding it for the same time.
  4. Alternate between your two legs for about 20 seconds to a minute, maintaining good form.
Variantes de planks más desafiantes

Hip lift

How to do it:

  1. Begin in a low plank position, with your forearms planted on the ground, and with your body in a straight line.
  2. Keeping your forearms on the ground, lift your hips up, forming an inverted V.
  3. Once you can't go higher, lower back to the plank position.
  4. Repeat this movement for 20 seconds to a minute.
Variantes más desafiantes de planks

Alternate foot touches

How to do it:

  1. Start in a high plank position. Take a step to the side a few inches and hit the ground.
  2. Go back to the beginning and repeat with the other foot.
  3. Alternate between your left and right foot for 20 seconds to a minute, depending on your skill level.
Variantes desafiantes de planks


Planks at first seem to be really easy, but don't be fooled; Holding this position for an average time of 2 minutes can be really challenging. On the other hand, if you are an expert doing planks and want to add a variant to make the exercise more challenging, then you should try these exercises that will help you achieve it.


  • Bojana, G. The One Small Change That Makes Planks Way More Effective. For Livestrong [Revised December 2019].