Sit ups Sit ups How do you do this exercise for a belly of steel?

Do you want to get some abs of steel? Are you looking for a crossfit exercise that strengthens the middle zone? We explain what sit ups are and how to perform them properly to avoid damage and get the long-awaited strong and marked abs.

What are the abdominal sit ups

Crossfit abs such as sit ups are more effective than other specific exercises for the middle zone . However, they are also very demanding, so if you are not in shape you will notice that after a few repetitions, you will get tired.

Sit-up abs are based on the work of the muscles of the abdomen to tone it . Of course, the aesthetic improvement is evident; although above all they are necessary to improve physical condition and have more energy and positivity.

Its benefits do not stop there, since by gaining muscle mass, abdominal fat is reduced , while the digestive and intestinal systems are improved.

Crunch Vs Sit Ups

When we work the middle zone, we can choose many types of exercises for the abs. Now, the most popular exercises to achieve abs of steel are crunches and sit-ups.

Even though both work the abdomen, they do not do it in the same way, so we show you what are the differences between crunch abs and sit-up abs.

The biggest difference between the two types of abs is that the crunches raise the head and shoulders, but without detaching the back. In contrast, with sit-up abs, the exercise well done requires you to remain seated, and consequently the entire back is raised.

Errores al hacer abdominales sit ups

Thus, we find an exercise for the abdomen that requires a great effort for the back muscles. Hence, they are only recommended for experienced athletes, as there is a real risk of injury and overload.

Of course, sit-up abs are strongly discouraged if you suffer from spinal problems or pain in the lower back area.

The technique to do sit-up abs without hurting yourself

Like many other abdominal exercises, to do sit-ups you need to lie on your back. Help yourself with a cushion or the gym towel itself so that your back does not have a forced posture.

Then bend your knees while bringing the soles of your feet together.

What to do with the arms? Here it will depend on your experience and fitness. If you are a beginner, the most recommended is to stretch the arms next to the body . If you already have a physical bottom, you can stretch them but backwards. In this way you maximize the physical effort and the effectiveness of the abdominals.

Now, making sure the head rests on the ground, bring the torso up. The flexion of the abdominal area will be complete when you touch or bring your head and knees closer. Especially at the beginning, avoid sudden retraction; better little by little. In this way you will learn to know and control your body .

Beware of these mistakes

When talking about the difference between crunch and sit up, we have mentioned the consequences of a poor execution of the exercises. And it is that committing any of these mistakes, such as incurring in bad postures or doing bad breathing, is easier than you think, and its consequences, very painful.

Did you know that you are wrong when placing your hands behind the neck? The effort involved in doing sit-ups pushes the head, so it is very easy to damage the neck.

Another very common mistake is arching the back during movement, an action that overloads the muscles in the lower area of the same, with the consequent damage to health.

Performing excessive repetitions is another mistake to avoid if you practice sit-up abdominals, as well as inspiring on the rise and expiring on the descent and not the other way around. Ready to put sit-up exercises into practice?