If you suffer from fibromyalgia, fight it by exercising!

It is estimated that it affects 2% of the population and that 9% are women. Fibromyalgia is one of the most misunderstood diseases, as many believe that it is mental or is just exaggeration of the patient, being generalized pain is the main symptom of this pathology.

To be diagnosed, doctors must verify 18 points on the body , if of these, in 16 there is pain, the person is referred for fibromyalgia. These areas are: upper back, neck, shoulder blade, inner elbows, lower back, upper rear thighs, and below the knees.


The pain of this disease is unbearable, since there is a lot of sensitivity to the touch and it is constant. It usually occurs between the ages of 20 and 45, and its causes are thought to include injuries, emotional problems, infections, irregular sleep, and low thyroid gland function.

Sport to improve fibromyalgia

One of the characteristics of those who suffer from fibromyalgia is sedentary lifestyle, so starting a physical activity is complicated due to the pain they suffer. But starting from the belief that one of the triggers of the disease is stress, doing sports is an excellent treatment.

Due to the pain, the recommendation is to do gentle exercises, among which swimming, aquagym, walking, cycling, yoga, taichi and Pilates are recommended. You always have to tell the coaches that you suffer from the disease so that they know the routine to use.

Doing these activities at least 3 times a week for a long time, manages to considerably reduce pain, in addition to the fact that thanks to these the person will sleep better due to fatigue, definitely positive points to fight against pain.

El yoga es una buena opción para la fibromialgia

Aspects to consider

If the person suffering from fibromyalgia decides to start with a routine, there are certain factors that you must take into account so that there is actually an improvement, these are:


One day yes and another no. If there is a lot of pain, it is recommended to do it daily but for a short time, about 15 minutes.


This will vary, but ideally in half an hour for the cardiovascular system to exercise. The maximum at best is 40 minutes.


This is measured by the heart rate, in this case the pulse must be measured and when it has increased by 70% the exercise must be stopped. This step is explained by the coach.

Important tips

In order to cope with fibromyalgia, it is very important to be able to comply with the following tips:

  • Do the exercises together to get motivated.
  • Set a schedule.
  • Do not try to start with a lot of intensity, it is best to go gradually.
  • It is better to alternate the exercises, for example, you can swim, do yoga and walk.
  • Set goals for time and repetitions.
  • Before starting the sport you can place hot compresses on the areas of pain.