Is there an age for marriage? Which one is the best?

When you have a love relationship that promises to be long-lasting and with an extraordinary future. The first thing that goes through the minds of couples and, above all, women, is to commit. Strengthen ties for life , with the idea of forming a family. Approaching the day to day, together with another person is very common in relationships and courtships. Not for everyone it is a dream, but it is not an option that they discard either. Today, we see that many young couples are thinking about reaching that other level. Many times, rushing more than necessary. Regardless of the best age for marriage.

Is there really an age for marriage?

Anyone who has faced marriage considers that getting married is a race of resistance . The issue of living with another person, accepting their defects and virtues, while learning to be tolerant, is not an easy task. Actually, it is somewhat difficult. It could be said that age is rarely an influencing factor . If we talk about the success or failure of a marital relationship, in most cases, it does not depend or has nothing to do with age. Personality, respect, interests, tolerance and love are fundamental elements that determine the success or failure of a marriage. However, there are psychological studies that ensure that there is indeed an age for marriage and that it affects its permanence.

In this case, we will tell you about the study carried out by a psychologist and professor at the University of Utah. Nicholas H. Wolfinger, he wanted to investigate what is the best age for marriage, if it exists. Noting that, the age associated with successful relationships does not go from 20 to 25 , as everyone commonly believes. In reality, these ages are more likely to have a relationship that ends in separation . Contrary to what we have thought since we dreamed of marriage. That, at the end of university, we will already be able to maintain a serious relationship and start a family, is not always true.

The ideal age is 28 to 32 years according to studies …

Wolfinger says that, in reality, the best age for marriage is between 28 and 32 years old . Surely, you are wondering what this psychologist used to make such a statement. The fact is that, according to their data, after the age of 34 it is much more difficult to get married. And therefore keep it smooth. Since, according to statistics, those who marry after that age tend to contract divorces by 19%.

Explaining that those who decide to jump into the water with more than 34 years, are the same ones who could not do it before. For not finding the right person . Which is why they tend to have a bad temper and idealize their partner, hoping it is what they want. Later, they end up having a bad coexistence with their partner. Thus, we can know what is the best age for marriage. Of course, these extensive studies are not applied in all cases. If you do not think so, you can look for other research on the matter and you will see that they contradict. Well, in the social sciences, there is no applicable formula, in this case, the same thing happens.

Other research states that the most appropriate age is 25 years …

On this occasion, it was Brigham Young University in the United States that focused on this issue. Through a study of a population of 500 students together with their parents. Who concluded that the best age for marriage is 25 years . Moment for which it is expected to have a sufficient maturity and experience to be able to have a stable relationship. To the point of taking the big step, without having a greater chance of ending in divorce.

If the investigations contradict, what is the true age to marry?

That answer is somewhat difficult. Well, as we said before, research may give an idea regarding the best age for marriage. However, those results cannot be applied to each of us. It happens that everyone lives in different circumstances and, therefore, has priorities that are also different. Hence, the studies may contradict each other, since perhaps the students surveyed had different perspectives. To those who were part of the previous study.

The truth is that some physical, psychological and social conditions are necessary in order to have a successful marriage. It is not a specific age. But what your reality may be at the moment you decide to get married. Therefore, below we will present the most important factors that can influence. Even more than the expected age for successful marriage.

What should you keep in mind before taking the big step?

Your sentimental and emotional situation. It is not just feeling good when you are with that person. It’s not about the specific times when you feel like you’re in the clouds. A marriage, unlike what is presented in the movies, is a reality. So, you should consider how your day to day could be with that person. Even when they have daily chores on them and the routine bores them. Without even considering the children. All this, it is essential that you have it clear. Regardless of whether you consider yourself to be of marriageable age or not.

Your economic condition is also decisive. Not everything is rosy and if you want to start from scratch with a person, you must be clear that you will need money. It would no longer be convenient to live with your parents, a place of your own implies greater responsibilities . If, in your case, you live alone, it may be easier. However, it is very important that you consider what possibilities you and your partner have. And, when we talk about possibilities, we refer to the economic stability that they can have if they decide to get married. For this, more than age for marriage, you need maturity and responsibility.

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As you can see, there are many factors to consider when thinking about a wedding. Research may give you an idea regarding the age of marriage. But, beyond that, the reality is different. So, it all depends on your reality and that of your partner. In addition to the life projects that both have and share.