Is the avocado pit edible?

Avocado is a food that many have included in their healthy diet. Eating its fleshy part on toast, salads or guacamole is the most common, but have you ever considered consuming its seed? Although there is still much to investigate, some experts say that the avocado pit may be edible.

Although it can be beneficial to eat the seed, some nutritionists warn that it is important to eliminate any toxins to prevent it from causing gastrointestinal problems. Ideally, companies would market seeds fit for consumption.

Ways to eat avocado pit

Some animal and test-tube studies have found some benefits of avocado seeds, but evidence to suggest health benefits in people is lacking. Studies also show that large amounts can cause adverse side effects, although no human-based studies have examined its safety. It is currently not recommended to eat avocado seeds .

Avocado seeds are very hard and must be prepared before they can be eaten. First, they need to be dried in the oven at a high temperature for a few hours. Some people oven-dry the pits for two hours at 250°F. Once the seed is dehydrated, it can be chopped and placed in a blender or food processor until it forms a powder.

The powder can then be added to smoothies or used in teas or sauces . However, drying the seed can reduce its antioxidant content, so we may not get the benefits we hope for. Keep in mind that the seed is bitter. If we’re going to add it to a smoothie, we’ll make sure to balance it out with some sweetness by including fruit, like a banana or some strawberries.

It is important to note that there is no evidence to show that the avocado seed is safe to eat. It’s probably a better idea to have a cup of green tea or a handful of berries, rather than take any chances. If we decide to give avocado seed a try, it would be best to eat it only occasionally to reduce the likelihood of harmful side effects .

semilla y hueso del aguacate

Other uses

Since consuming it orally does not seem to be very safe, there are some home remedies in which the avocado pit can be used:

  • Fight dandruff . The avocado is a fruit with some fat content, having its seed the great nucleus of this. Dandruff appears due to scaling of the scalp due to having it too dry or damaged by external agents. A moisturizing treatment with the avocado seed will be perfect to remove the flaky particles. If we have oily hair, we will avoid using this type of home remedy.
  • Exfoliates the skin . By turning the avocado seed into powder, we will have a perfect base for a homemade scrub. The key must be that it contains solid particles, but so small that they do not irritate the skin. The powders that we get with this seed will be much softer due to its fat content.
  • Reduces acne . By grating the avocado stone and turning it into a powder, its astringent properties do not disappear. That is why it can help us dry pimples and reduce acne. In addition, it also contains vitamin B6 and antioxidants, substances that significantly improve acne problems.
  • Rejuvenates the skin . If we consume the seed in oil, there are studies that claim that it can improve the natural rejuvenation of our skin. Avocado oil increases collagen production, and this prevents cell aging.