Is sunbathing good? Risks and benefits of the Sun throughout the year

We all like the sun, good weather, more hours of daylight and more. That it is not the same as the heat, this no longer likes so many people. But like everything in life, there is a positive side and a negative side, and the Sun was not going to be an exception.

Most of us know some benefits of sunbathing and the importance of getting vitamin D, although there are also negative consequences. Throughout this article we are going to tell about all the good and all the bad that we get when we get under the Sun throughout the year.


With the arrival of spring and the time change, the days start to get longer and there are more hours of light. This favors outdoor plans, meetings with friends, walks in the countryside, the mountains or the beach, going out more times with our dogs, etc.

However, we make these plans because with the arrival of good weather we feel more cheerful and active, and we do not realize how beneficial it is to expose ourselves slightly to the Sun.

Un grupo de amigos salta en la playa

Spending time in the sun improves:

  • The muscular response.
  • The appearance of the skin.
  • Reduces acne.
  • Stimulates defenses.
  • Lowers blood pressure.
  • Promote quality sleep.
  • It favors the sexual life.
  • Increase our good mood.
  • Lowers blood cholesterol.
  • Decreases the incidence of respiratory diseases.
  • Increases hemoglobin levels in the blood.
  • Stimulates nerve endings.
  • Improves cardiovascular health.
  • Reduces psoriasis.
  • Promotes the synthesis of vitamin D (prevents cancer and multiple sclerosis).


Everything in excess is bad, even the Sun considering the amount of benefits it brings in our lives. Before deciding to lie under the Sun like lizards in the desert, we have to know that we face a series of unpleasant consequences.

Un hombre muestra su piel quemada tras un día entero al Sol

Exposing ourselves to the Sun for a long time causes:

  • Aging of the skin.
  • Stains.
  • Burns.
  • Sunstroke (heat stroke).
  • Eye damage
  • Skin cancer.
  • Weakening of the immune system.
  • Dehydration
  • Redness of the skin.
  • Itches
  • Tight skin.
  • Skinning.
  • Pain in the body from burns.

What is better, natural sun or a UV cabin?

As we have seen before, direct rays from the Sun and long exposure are not a good idea, but neither is using a UV cabin due to the precancerous consequences and lessons it produces.

UVA machines are supposed to eliminate type B ultraviolet radiation and only let type A through, which accelerate tanning. Despite this, hundreds of thousands of experts each year warn of the dangers posed by, and never better said, UVA cabinets.

Un hombre tumbado sobre una cabina de rayos UVA

Photo of Fundación Piel Sana

The WHO classifies these booths as cancerous elements, and according to a study by the Center for International Cancer Research, if a person uses this type of booth before the age of 30, they have a 75% more chance of developing melanoma at throughout his life .

These types of machines are not recommended, but if we still want to use them, it is not recommended for people with fair skin, with a tendency to spots, with cancer cases in their family, with many freckles and moles, pregnant women, with delicate treatments and medications. , if when we were little we burned easily and it is also prohibited for minors.

According to the Healthy Skin Foundation , it says that the use of these machines is undoubtedly one of the causes of skin cancer. They also explain on their website that the amount of radiation in a cabin is much higher than solar.

Recommendations when sunbathing

Having all the previous information clear, now we are going to review a series of recommendations when it comes to sunbathing. Some may seem very obvious and logical, but they are all just as important.

Best and worst hours for our skin

Many studies conclude that the best hours are before 12 in the morning and after 4 in the afternoon . However, the worst hours is that interval between 12 in the morning until 4 in the afternoon, since the Sun hits more strongly and burns, sunstrokes, and negative consequences accelerate.

Una mujer echándose crema para el Sol

Always use protective cream

It’s time to stop making excuses and go to a pharmacy or specialty store and buy sunscreen. At a minimum it must have an SPF15 level and have protection against UVA and UVB rays.

We must also think about after, that is, body cream that hydrates the skin after sunbathing. In this case we recommend using very natural and refreshing creams, such as Aloe Vera, for example.

Don’t fall asleep

This yes or yes we have to fulfill it, since the consequences when waking up are a mixture between heat stroke, dehydration, daze, burns , etc. Nothing good. If we want to rest, better in the shade.

If we are prone to falling asleep after eating, it is best to set some kind of alarm or ask someone to let us know when a few minutes pass and see that we have fallen asleep.

Always cover the face and head

Our face and head should always be covered and if we can get our heads wet from time to time, the better. When the sun shines on these parts for a long time, it can lead to sunstroke, spots on the skin, burns on the leather, dehydration, etc.

We can cover our face with a hat or scarf, while we are lying down, in addition to wearing sunglasses with good protection. Our head can be covered with a cap, hat, scarf, etc.

Drink much liquid

Hydration is key every day of the year, especially when we are consciously exposing our body to high temperatures and solar radiation. Drinking a lot of fluids forces us to change posture and to be always on the move.

Una mujer sentada en el borde de una piscina bebiendo zumo de naranja

If we feel bad, we leave

Here the survival instinct and common sense act. If we see that we are dizzy, our body hurts, the food has made us feel bad , we are very hot, dry mouth and the like, it is best to collect everything and go home.

It is not recommended to rest for a few minutes, compose yourself and return to the Sun.

Not being still for more than 15 minutes

The key is to be constantly in motion , so the body does not get tired, we do not get so bored and we reduce the risk of burns. Another option is to lie down for 15 minutes, and then swim for a while or return to the shade, and repeat the process several times until we leave the beach or pool.

Take shelter in the shade every few minutes

Every 15 or 20 minutes we go to the shade, we stay there for a few minutes and we can drink water, eat, chat, change our swimsuit, put on more cream, etc. In this way our body does not weaken so much that when we force it to spend an hour under the Sun. (The latter is not recommended 100%).

If we feel like we’re burning, better cover that part

Sometimes we feel that the legs are burning, however, the belly is not. Well then we can cover the legs to give the skin a break and not suffer burns , especially in the first days of intense exposure to the Sun.

If our skin begins to itch and is hot, it is a response of our body to sun exposure. We can cover ourselves, change our position, go in the shade, take a bath (it is a very good option to refresh the skin), etc.