Is it True that Drinking Dehydrated Water?

“We are 60% water.” Surely you have heard that phrase several times throughout your life. The recommendations of health experts is that we must hydrate ourselves correctly with the daily intake of water. Not only drinking, but consuming foods that contain this liquid. It is vital for our organism. We can go several days without eating, but not without drinking water.

The role of this substance in our health has recently been questioned. Why are people counting that it dehydrates? Is it true that we should consume drinks indicated for rehydration? What is the difference?

Is it True that Drinking Dehydrated Water

Water does not dehydrate

It is not only essential for the proper functioning of the body, but it is also essential for hydration; Without it we could not hydrate, so any statement contrary to this idea is false.

Water is a vital part of keeping the body’s organs and systems working properly. Even for the skin, which is actually an organ. When your skin is dehydrated, the skin can become pale, dry and chapped. The sebaceous glands in the skin will begin to produce excess oils and sebum to make up for a lack of hydration, causing acne and oily skin. To rectify the overproduction of oil on the skin, it is important to consume enough water throughout the day.

Should we have isotonic drinks?

As we said before, it is possible that in certain cases, some athletes need drinks that replenish electrolytes after intense training. Electrolytes are molecules that contain free ions, many minerals, and help regulate many processes in the body, including nerve and muscle function, hydration, blood pH, blood pressure, and healing of damaged tissue. These are naturally obtained through many foods and are generally not a concern for people who adhere to a casual and moderate exercise routine.

Why are they called hydrating drinks and the water bottles don’t have this brand? We believe that it is not essential to remind the population that H2O is the basis of hydration. As in an apple we will not find a brand of “nutritional food”. It’s obvious. However, in sports drinks this slogan usually appears because they refer to the intake of electrolytes, micronutrients or sodium.

Ideally, drink small amounts of water every 10 to 15 minutes during exercise. This helps to immediately replace water lost through perspiration. For exercise lasting more than 60 minutes , other nutrients should be included, preferably with a carbohydrate content of 5 to 7% . This allows the body to absorb carbohydrates at a rapid rate, providing rapid fuel and helping to replenish electrolytes to the body.

However, if you have diabetes or have other conditions related to blood sugar, consult a doctor before drinking sports drinks to replace the electrolytes. Keep in mind that you can still consume water when you exercise for more than 60 minutes, but electrolyte fluids become more important once you pass the time mark.