Is it possible to build muscle with bodyweight routines?

Is it possible to build muscle with bodyweight exercises ? That question is heard so often in gyms that there is only one explanation for it: lack of faith and knowledge.

We are so used to associating bodybuilding with machines and compound routines that we have thought that the old, simpler and more traditional methods are not enough. It is a common mistake, quite widespread.

From the outset, we can assure you without hesitation: yes, it is possible to build muscles with bodyweight routines. Think of the Olympic gymnasts, with their big torsos and powerful arms, and you will have no doubt. But getting there is not easy, and it certainly requires a good balance between effort and proper exercise.

Crear músculo con peso corporal

How do you build muscle mass?

The fundamental cause that we do not know what works or what does not build muscle , is that we do not even understand the process by which the body develops that volume of mass that we call musculature.

In simple terms, a muscle can be created through three processes of wasting and regeneration, which are not exclusive to any one activity:

  1. Mechanical stress – This is the most common type of development in gyms. It occurs when we force the muscle to lift something heavier than it does on a daily basis – a weight, a barbell – and it responds by gradually increasing its size.
  2. Metabolic stress: Metabolic stress is that feeling of internal heat that you experience when the muscle repeats the same strenuous activity many times. The muscle fills with blood, which ends up giving it a more voluminous appearance.
  3. Muscle damage : is the sensation you experience between 24 and 48 hours after a strenuous workout. Muscle damage is an indicator that the muscle is being repaired and getting stronger.

Thus, there is no specific movement or exact level of tension that is required to create muscle. Any activity that generates effort and constant fatigue in specific areas is capable of developing it.

Entrenamiento con peso corporal para obtener músculo

Is Body Weight Training Enough To Build Muscle?

As already mentioned, it is perfectly possible to perform bodyweight routines and still build muscle. The real question is: who is this method best for? Here the question is divided into two groups of people: those who have been in a gym in their life, and those who have been training with weight lifting or any other equipment for a long time.

For the first few, the novices, building muscle with body weight will be a breeze; for experienced ones, it will be more difficult to see results.

As with all training, bodyweight routines have their advantages and disadvantages. However, a proper approach and a good routine can make these types of exercises work well for anyone.

Construir músculos con peso corporal

Advantages and disadvantages of bodyweight training

1. Disadvantages

  • It is difficult to increase mechanical stress with them.
  • They are quite problematic when we want to develop the muscles of the lower body, especially the glutes.
  • Increasing the effort to build more muscle progressively is also difficult. At a certain point, what you have to do is increase the number of repetitions or try more difficult exercises, for example, push-ups with one arm. It is not as easy as adding one more weight to the bar.


  • Although it is difficult to increase muscle with these exercises, performing them can be the best method to maintain already developed muscles, and improve strength and flexibility.
  • They are the easiest routines to maintain, because as they do not require a gym, you can do them from home, with very little equipment and without adding travel time to the gym to your day.
  • They are the best exercises for beginners, as they guarantee the rapid gain of muscle, which in the long run gives the strength and confidence to continue with other workouts.

Rutinas retadoras con peso corporal

Example of a bodyweight routine to build muscle

A bodyweight routine that targets the major muscles of the body will always be effective, but two good recommendations to improve any bodyweight routine are as follows:

  • Focus on the parts of greatest demand in each exercise (the elevated position when performing a push-up, for example).
  • Perform single-arm or single-leg exercises from time to time to increase the difficulty.

Circuit 1

Perform these exercises in sequence, with no rest between them, until you complete 3 rounds:

  • Squats: 10 reps, with 3 seconds of focus on the highest demand part and 1 second on the lowest demand part.
  • Push-ups: 10 repetitions, with 5 seconds of resistance when reaching up and 1 second when being down.
  • Arm and Leg Raise (Hollow Body Hold): Hold this position for 45 seconds.

When doing the whole circuit, rest for a minute.

Circuit 2

Execute these exercises in sequence, but leaving 30 seconds of rest between them. Do them until you complete 3 rounds:

  • Pull-ups: 5 reps, with 5 seconds of resistance when reaching the top of the bar.
  • Skater jumps: 30 seconds.
  • RKC iron: 30 seconds.


  • Nick Holt. Can You Build Muscle With Bodyweight Exercises? For BuiltLean. [Revised December 2016]