Is it good to eat spicy foods?

There are those who enjoy a good squirt of Sriracha or a few slices of jalapeños on their pizza, while others cannot tolerate the slightest bit of spice. Regardless of the type of person you are, science claims that spicy foods are fascinating.

Experts defend that the side effects of spicy foods are not so bad for health. They appear to have certain benefits on heartburn, longevity, and speeding up metabolism. So introducing this type of food in your usual diet can favor more than an extra flavor on the palate.

Why are there foods that taste spicy?

We take for granted that there are spicy foods, but not all of us know what this flavor is due to. The key answer lies in capsaicin , a chemical compound found in foods of this type, such as cayenne pepper, which is responsible for that burning sensation we experience when we eat them.

But it turns out that this ingredient binds to a type of receptor inside our mouth called VR1 . Once capsaicin binds to these receptors, the sensory neuron depolarizes and sends out a signal indicating the presence of spicy stimuli. The VR1 receptors were not designed to detect this substance, they only bind spicy food by accident. The true purpose of VR1 receivers is thermoreception or heat detection . This means that they are supposed to prevent us from consuming foods that will burn our sensitive skin. As a result, when the receptors are activated by capsaicin, the sensation we experience is linked to the perception of temperature. But that pain is just an effect, as there is really nothing “spicy” about spicy food.

Although many do not like the heat that capsaicin gives off, this compound has health benefits. For example, it can serve as a pain reliever or anti-inflammatory. As a topical medication, it is used specifically to relieve nerve pain. Joint problems like rheumatoid arthritis and skin conditions like psoriasis can also be treated with ointments or gels that contain capsaicin.

This spice is mainly concentrated in the seeds of peppers. So if you don’t want a food to be too spicy, remove the seeds before eating or cooking it. In this way you can reduce the heat and the instant burning that appears right after chewing it. Eating bananas along with hot peppers can also help reduce the spice factor.

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Effects of spicy foods on the body

How the body responds to spicy foods is completely personal. Although some people are advised to limit their intake of spicy foods, it is important to note that tolerance levels vary from person to person. Next we will discover the most significant consequences of taking spicy food.

A stomach cidez

There are several medical conditions that can be exacerbated by eating spicy foods. For example, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). This disease is characterized by the reflux of acid from the stomach into the esophagus. This can cause a burning sensation in the upper gastrointestinal tract and chest.

Spicy foods are not really believed to be a main cause of GERD, but they can make it worse. Although the mechanism is unknown, spicy foods can irritate the affected esophagus, causing heartburn and discomfort.

Additionally, capsaicin can slow down the rate at which food moves through the stomach, increasing the risk of reflux as a consequence. However, it is a common misconception that spicy foods can increase the risk of stomach ulcers. In fact, bell pepper can reduce stomach acid production. As a result, spicy foods, and especially those containing bell peppers, can actually help improve symptoms in people with peptic ulcers.

They can help you lose weight

There are theories about how spicy foods can contribute to weight loss. Science suggests that spicy ingredients could increase calories and burn fat or reduce appetite. Although some of the studies reported slight increases (around 10 percent) in energy burn, the results were generally not long-lasting.

Although the evidence suggests that the intake of bell pepper can increase energy expenditure and promote weight loss, we must bear in mind that this increase is very slight and is not likely to cause significant weight loss without other factors. Weight changes can also depend on a person’s starting weight and body fat percentage.

That is, do not trust that jalapeños are a super food to lose the extra pounds. Think of a long-term, sustainable healthy approach, consisting of a well-balanced diet and regular exercise for long-term health benefits.

Spicy foods can increase longevity

There was a scientific study that looked at what happened if people ate spicy foods almost daily. They were found to be more likely to live longer than people who ate less spicy foods once a week.

Although the study was observational, it is possible that capsaicin’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties contribute to these potential longevity benefits. However, these properties can be found in other foods. So it is not necessary to have a bad shot of drinking spicy, if we are not passionate about it.

Could improve cholesterol

Spicy foods can be good for your heart and cholesterol. Adults who ate spicy foods more frequently and in large quantities were found to have lower levels of LDL cholesterol.

So if lower LDL cholesterol levels are associated with a lower risk of developing heart disease, we might assume they have big lipid benefits. However, the study also observed that eating more spicy foods is also associated with higher blood triglyceride levels.

Researchers believe that the higher triglycerides could be because spicy ingredients are often used to add flavor to simple starches like rice. But excess carbohydrates are converted to fat in the body and therefore can contribute to higher triglyceride levels.