Is it dangerous to bite your nails?

It is very common to bite your nails when we are in a period of anxiety or nerves, but you have to be especially careful not to suffer a health problem. Not long ago a news story broke in which a young man had almost lost his life due to this apparently harmless fact.

Eating the nails and the skin around them can trigger sepsis. In Spain , this disease affects 50,000 people each year , of which 34% (17,000) die. It is such a common habit that it exceeds 13 times those who died from a traffic accident and some cancers such as breast, colon, cancer or prostate.
We don't want to alarm you too much, but we'd like you to get rid of this nervous tic before you end up biting your elbows.

morderse las uñas

morderse las uñas

What is sepsis?

We are facing a serious ailment that arises when the body, in reaction to an infection, injures its own tissues. At the very least it can create only inflammations , but in more serious cases we could find acute organ failure that is not closely related to the origin of the infection. It is not turkey mucus, it can cause shock or multi-organ failure.

And you will think that how that will happen to you for simply biting your nails. Yes, it occurs from any infection, even if it is not very significant. It is a disease that anyone can contract, but there are certain types of people more prone to them such as babies younger than 1 year and those older than 65 years.

How can you know if you are suffering from this ailment?

Oh, we are telling you that you can have a health problem from biting your nails, but we have not told you how you can know if you currently have it.

Actually, there are no universal symptoms of sepsis. Some say they can get a fever , others feel overloaded , others are short of breath or in extreme pain and sweaty skin … Experts say it takes a couple of days for symptoms to develop from the time we get the infection. So if you just ripped off a skin pelt, don't be afraid that in half an hour you will be half dead. Don't be hypochondriac.

The antibiotic kills her

If we are facing a mild infection, which is not causing us too many problems, your doctor may prescribe an antibiotic to improve the infection. Keep in mind that sepsis is determined with a blood test to count the number of white blood cells and look for organ damage.

Are you really worth biting your nails? If you want to beat this nervous habit, paint them or sit on them. Not only will you prevent sepsis, but you will also reduce any oral infection from having dirty hands.