Inositol: supplement that can help in polycystic ovary syndrome

Women with PCOS have a more difficult time getting pregnant because of this disease. This does not mean that it is impossible, just that it is more complicated. These women may be offered different treatments to increase the chances of becoming pregnant. One of these treatments is supplements, such as inositol .

What is inositol?

Also known as phytic acid, inositol hexaphosphate or IP6, it is a nutrient that the body produces from glucose and that would be included in the B vitamins . This nutrient can be obtained through a diet that contains foods such as lecithin, wheat germ, oats, beef liver, nuts, and legumes. But in some cases it can also be obtained through supplements such as food.

Inositol es un suplemento alimenticio

What does it do in the body?

Among its many properties, inositol has been proven to combat depression, stress, and anxiety . This is because people who suffer from any of these depressive states have a low level of this nutrient. It also tends to distribute fat throughout the body and to remove it from the places where it tends to accumulate. That is, it reduces cholesterol and fat accumulation . And it improves the skin, nails and hair because vitamin B has a direct effect on them.

In addition to all this, it can benefit the woman with polycystic ovary syndrome in her fertile stage .

Inositol for women with polycystic ovary syndrome

First, inositol reduces the levels of androgens , mainly testosterone, which are abnormally elevated through two pathways related to the insulin response. And is that polycystic ovary syndrome occurs when the ovaries or female adrenal glands produce more male hormones than normal . So inositol will reduce the production of these androgens by the ovary and increase the levels of sex hormone binding globulin produced by the liver.

And secondly, it will help regulate the hormone levels that lead to a regular menstrual cycle . With this you can calculate the most fertile days of the woman and increase the chances of pregnancy.

El inositol ayuda a regular la regla

How long do you need to take it?

After several studies, it has been found that when treatment with inositol is started, the effects on hormonal alterations become visible in a few weeks, between six and eight approximately . However, when there are other types of problems, such as skin disorders, acne or hirsutism (excessive development of hair), more treatment time is needed.

Does it have side effects?

Because of the effect it has on brain hormones, it is not recommended in people being treated for psychiatric disorders with other medications. It is also not appropriate for people with hypoglycemia, that is, who suffer from drops in blood sugar levels. Inositol consumption is also strongly discouraged for children with hyperactivity disorder, for people with bipolar disorder, and for pregnant women.

Regarding side effects, it has been possible to detect in a low percentage problems related to the digestive system, such as nausea, diarrhea, loss of appetite or flautulence.

It does not have any negative side effects on the fertility of the woman.

El inositol ayuda a que mujeres con ovarios poliquísticos se queden embarazadas

When to take inositol?

Whatever the situation, it is up to a doctor to decide whether to start treatment with inositol . As well as indicate their doses and the time of treatment.

Before starting the treatment, it is advisable to include in the diet foods that contain this nutrient, such as organic whole grains, nuts, melon, citrus fruits, beans, raisins and cabbage.