How to relieve a bite in the mouth?

The mouth bite is a common injury at any age. Depending on the severity of the bite, it can cause pain, bleeding, and swelling. You can usually treat this problem at home. You just have to rinse the area with cold water and apply pressure with a clean gauze to stop the bleeding. You can also suck on an ice cube to reduce swelling.

In the event that the bite does not stop bleeding, seek medical help. It may be deep and need stitches or it may lead to an infection. However, most cases will heal within a few days with your own saliva.

What happens when you bite the inside of your lip?

Biting the inside of the lip can be painful. It is normal for it to happen accidentally and is quite common in children. This mouth bite can happen while eating or talking, during a fall, while playing sports, during a seizure, or due to stress.

Although the injury may hurt, it usually does not need medical attention. You can treat a minor bite at home with self-care measures. However, it is interesting to know what happens when you bite the inside of your mouth.

A bite in the mouth is caused by your teeth pressing against the skin. This can hurt because the lips and cheeks have many nerve endings, making them very sensitive to pain. Also, if the bite pierces the skin, you may have a lot of bleeding. The most common symptoms when biting our mouths are swelling, redness, and tenderness.

Minor injuries to the mouth, such as a bite, generally do not need stitches or medical attention. But if you or your child have any of the following symptoms, be sure to call an emergency doctor:

  • Deep or large wound
  • Cut that goes through the lip
  • Debris stuck in the wound
  • Bleeding that won’t stop
  • Severe or worsening pain
  • Difficulty opening or closing your mouth
  • Signs of infection

It is important to seek medical help if the injury is due to a serious injury, such as a car accident or a major fall.

Injuries after mouth bite

If you have ever suffered from this oral problem, you will know that a few days of healing come later that can lead to other problems. Here are some of the most common oral injuries and the steps you can take to treat them.

Cheek or tongue bitten

A bite on the cheek or tongue are common oral injuries that can occur when eating, playing sports, or having a fall or collision. A bitten cheek or tongue can also be caused by misaligned teeth. Normally, your upper teeth prevent you from biting your cheeks, and your lower teeth protect your tongue. But misalignment can lead to accidental bites. To all this is added eating too fast or with anxiety, and ending up biting the inside of the cheek of the face without distinguishing if it is food or your own skin.

Symptoms appear at the bite site and include pain, redness, swelling, and bleeding. If there are pieces of loose skin, it is important that you do not finish tearing it. With the help of ice and the saliva itself, it will heal itself again. If the piece of meat is too large, see a doctor immediately to see if you need stitches.


A canker sore or aphthous ulcer is a small red sore with a white center. It is usually oval or round in shape and can appear on the inner lips and cheeks, tongue and roof of the mouth. These sores can have many possible causes, including mouth lesions, such as biting the inside of the lip, a viral infection, stress, vitamin or mineral deficiencies, food allergies, or hormonal changes.

If after a bite in the mouth a canker sore appears, we will have to wait and watch so that it does not become infected. Usually a white film forms on top that can be quite uncomfortable to the touch.

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Tips for relieving mouth bite

If your doctor prescribed antibiotics, take them as directed. Don’t stop taking them just because you feel better, as you must take the full course of antibiotics. If you are in pain and not infected, take an over-the-counter pain reliever, such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or naproxen.

However, home remedies can always quickly relieve pain. It may help to cool the inside of your mouth with a piece of ice or a flavored popsicle. In the event that the cut is inside your mouth:

  • Rinse your mouth with warm water and salt immediately after meals. Salt water rinses can help heal. To make a salt water solution to rinse your mouth, mix 1 teaspoon of salt in 1 cup of warm water.
  • Eat soft foods that are easy to swallow.
  • Avoid foods that can be snappy. Salty or spicy foods, citrus fruits or juices, and tomatoes are also included.
  • Try using a topical medication to reduce mouth pain. If the mouth bite has occurred in a child under 2 years of age, ask your doctor if you can use this medication.

In the case of having a bite on a cheek or tongue, you should rinse your mouth with salt water immediately. Then place an ice cube on the bite or suck on an ice cube if the bite was on the tongue. You can also take NSAIDs to relieve pain and apply an oral antiseptic gel to prevent infection.

If the bite in the mouth has caused the appearance of thrush, experts recommend rinsing the mouth with salt water, using an antiseptic mouthwash, applying an ice cube to the sore, taking NSAIDs to relieve pain and applying a topical oral analgesic on the sore. In a few days the inflammation will go down and the discomfort will disappear.