How to make your own low carb bread

The acquisition of a bread machine can surely be the solution to your problems. Not only can you have a supply of bread whenever you want, but you also save a lot of money by making it yourself.

The problem is that many diets today restrict the consumption of flours in its entirety, or at least prohibit the excess of them. But don’t despair, you don’t have to stop putting your beloved bread machine to use. You can adjust the ingredients of your regular recipe to make it healthier. With just a few tips, you can take your skills to the next level and enjoy low calorie bread .

Consejos para hacer pan bajo en calorías

Tips for maintaining your bread machine

First of all, you should read and pay attention to the instruction manual that comes with your machine, since each one varies depending on the construction model.

We advise that, when adding the ingredients, you do it in the order that comes in the manual and check that the temperature of the liquids added to the mixture is approximately 25 ° or room temperature. In this way you ensure that the yeast develops correctly and grows.

Some expert cooks claim that instant yeast is stronger and faster than dry yeast, which allows a better performance in regular bread machines. You can also add dry or liquid ingredients if necessary to achieve the desired texture. Another important factor is to make sure to cook the mixture immediately if it has perishable ingredients like eggs, since waiting too long can generate bacteria and ruin our bread.

Cómo hacer pan en tu propia máquina

Making bread with low calorie flours

To convert your traditional bread recipe into a low calorie one, you must replace the wheat flour with some type of flour that has higher levels of fat and protein and fewer carbohydrates. Flours that meet this rule are usually made from almond, soy, or coconut.

If you want as little carbohydrates as possible, almond flour is the one for you. It has 6 grams of carbohydrates in total (only 3 grams net) in ¼ cup of flour. On the other hand, soy flour contains 8 grams of carbohydrates; while coconut flour contains 9, always taking into account the measure of ¼ cup.

After cooking, a slice of low-calorie bread can contain anywhere from 3 to 6 grams of net carbohydrates. However, not everything is rosy. In general, this type of flours are more expensive than regular wheat, and also have other special care, such as refrigeration to maintain their quality.

On the other hand, you must bear in mind that you cannot replace your normal flour with a low calorie one in all bread recipes. The reason is because of the notable differences between them, since almond flour and others have a different consistency and weight than traditional flour.

The best decision is to choose a recipe that is designed for low-calorie or gluten-free flours . If not, you will be forced to add another ingredient to complement your recipe, such as wheat gluten, yeast, baking powder, salt, and sugar. If you want, you can also buy a pre-made bread mix that meets all the low calorie requirements.

La mejor harina para hacerte tu propio pan

Best ingredients for making bread

When it comes to cooking, you can research and implement many ingredients to make your creation unique.

The recipes that come with your bread machine almost always require a liquid ingredient to activate the yeast and add flavor and color. Here’s your chance to include low-calorie foods like eggs, butter, almond milk, cream, water, or sour cream.

Keep in mind that other liquid ingredients like honey and applesauce are high in carbohydrates, making them unsuitable for your recipe. In addition, you should be careful of eating foods with high levels of sugar and low fiber. The addition of a tablespoon of honey, ½ cup of apple sauce or banana slices, equal 12 to 17 grams of net carbohydrates in a preparation.

Finally, you can get creative: add rosemary or basil to your bread and you can use it to accompany various meals. You can also make bread with Parmesan cheese and then slice it to make croutons to go with your salad.

Qué ingredientes usar para hacer pan


  • Amanda, M. How to Make Bread You Can Actually Eat on a Low-Carb Diet. For Livestrong. [Revised September 2019].