How to live longer and feel better? Discover the secret to get it

As the years go by and the decline of the best years begins to look a little closer on our horizon, it is normal to wonder if there is a magic recipe to know how to live longer and feel better. No matter how old you are, you still have time to use the power you have to change many of the variables that will influence the length of your life. Obviously, there are situations that we cannot control -such as accidents or illnesses-, but there are also numerous factors in which we can intervene and that will influence how active and vital you will feel in your later years. The changes you can make to your routine to increase your chances of living a longer and more satisfying life are actually quite simple. In this article we will tell you about them.

How to live longer and feel better by introducing three simple changes in your day to day

In terms of health, a mistake we often make is to worry exclusively about the present and not take into account the consequences that our actions may have in the future . Young bodies seem to put up with everything, so it is normal to subject them to all kinds of excesses: junk food and alcohol in industrial quantities, sleepless nights (whether partying, studying, working or as a couple), not heating or stretching when we exercise … The worst thing about this situation is that we get used to picking up bad habits that over the years are difficult to banish, and when we want to act to improve our health in the final stages of our life, sometimes it is too late. Therefore, not overlooking time for rest, relaxation, and body recovery is the key to living longer and feeling better.

1. Respect the body’s recovery on days of high activity

The wear and tear caused by overtraining can accelerate the aging of your body in the long run. Muscle fatigue builds up on previous sessions and increases the risk of injury. For this reason, if you practice sports frequently, it is advisable to take a week off or “light” every month and a half to recover tissues and increase your potential for the following weeks. The daily intake of some natural muscle restorer such as zinc or magnesium is also recommended, which help stimulate the development of muscle mass, fight fatigue and guarantee the correct contraction of the muscles . Taken before sleeping, they contribute to the repair and recovery of the body.

Cómo vivir más y sentirse mejor gracias a la relajación

2. Always make a space for relaxation

It is scientifically proven that stress shortens life, as it puts our body in a continuous state of anxiety that alters our physiological cycles and can have dire consequences for our body. To achieve control it is important that we take into account gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). This amino acid and neurotransmitter sold as a vitamin supplement regulates brain excitability, resulting in a sense of calm. Balancing the level of GABA can reduce levels of stress and anxiety -which helps to reduce the probability of different health problems-, so it is highly recommended to consume it.

In addition to helping our brain with supplements, to learn how to live longer and feel better, it is very important to take at least a few minutes a day to relax and leave the frenetic pace that always consumes us. And we can achieve this through meditation. In addition to relaxing in the moment, continued practice can help us react better to stress triggers in our daily lives.

3. Make sure you have a good rest

Another factor that greatly influences how you live longer and feel better is getting a good night’s rest. Sleep is one of the most important aspects of our life for health and longevity – as it improves memory, helps us lose weight, reduces depression and increases creativity . However, it is increasingly neglected. If you have difficulties to have a quality sleep, you can resort to relaxants such as the aforementioned GABA, or other natural supplements that help sleep such as melatonin or Bestmelab Morpheus, which has been specially designed to enhance the three facets mentioned above, and whose Effectiveness has been proven even by television stars like Juanjo Artero.