How to Increase Basal Metabolism to Burn More Calories

Metabolism is one of the agents that influences our weight. Possibly you have ever heard about the different types of metabolism and how each of them affects the body. Generally, a slow metabolism helps us gain weight, while a fast one helps us lose weight . Well, today we are going to see how to increase basal metabolism so that we can burn more calories.

Before we begin, it is important to know that metabolism is the total of chemical reactions that occur within the body. It is in charge of producing energy by combining the nutrients in food or beverages with oxygen. This energy allows the systems found within the body to carry out their functions properly, for example, it allows us to digest, breathe and regulate hormonal levels. Having this energy is essential for our body to function internally and allow us to do things like walk, talk, read, study, etc.

Regarding the basal metabolism , it is understood that it is the minimum level of energy that a cell needs to fulfill its function. This energy, on the other hand, depends on the rate at which calories are burned. This process depends on a few factors. Do you know which ones they are? We show them below:

Factors influencing basal metabolism

Some of the influencing factors cannot be changed, but others can be modified to increase the basal metabolic rate. It is important to know and take them into account:

  • Height and complexion : Tall people with more muscle mass tend to burn more calories.
  • Age : with the passage of time, the metabolism tends to slow down and the percentage of muscle decreases.
  • Gender : In general, women have a higher level of body fat and lower muscle mass. This, added to their complexion, makes their basal metabolism usually have lower levels than that of men.
  • Physical activity : calories are burned with any movement we do and even while at rest.

Although there are factors that influence and, to some extent, determine our metabolism, there are some things we can do to speed it up . Do you know how to increase basal metabolism? Coming up next, we tell you:

How to increase basal metabolism

Do proper workouts

One of the things we can do to find out how to increase basal metabolism is to look at our training. Doing strength training helps us, since bodies with a higher muscle mass index have a higher level of basal metabolism.

Ejercicio de fuerza para aumentar metabolismo basal

On the other hand, it is advisable to carry out high intensity cardiovascular workouts such as HIIT workouts. In the hours after its completion, an increase in metabolism is observed. Also, metabolism improves fat burning in these activities with practice.

Train on an empty stomach to increase basal metabolism

The objective of this practice is for the body to take energy from the fats in the reserve , since it does not have any food in the body from which to obtain said energy. Keep in mind that to obtain results it is not good to abuse this type of practice . In addition, it is not worth having breakfast twice afterwards or reducing the quality of training.

Eat several meals a day

In addition to the main meals, you can have meals between meals such as lunch, snack and eat something light after dinner if you plan to go to bed very late. It is recommended to eat foods with low calorie levels and high in fiber such as yogurts, nuts, fruits, etc. Eating between meals ensures an energy supply throughout the day and helps us speed up our metabolism.

Eat breakfast every day

Eating breakfast provides energy to the body and activates our metabolism . Breakfast allows us to reestablish insulin and glucose values and to be less hungry during the day. On the other hand, different studies have shown that people who eat breakfast every day are able to keep their weight stable and have higher levels of health.

Desayunar para aumentar metabolismo basal

Take care of your diet to increase basal metabolism

Another thing we can do to know how to increase basal metabolism is to learn to take care of our diet . It is important that we include in our diet amino acids that help to create proteins, since they are integrated in the formation of muscles. Choose foods with high levels of protein and low in fat such as cooked eggs, legumes, yogurt, chicken, etc.

On the other hand, it is good not to completely eliminate carbohydrates but to try to choose those that have a low glycemic index such as vegetables, vegetables or fruits.

In addition, it is recommended to include dairy daily in the diet, since the proteins, calcium and vitamin D that they integrate increase the speed at which fats are burned.

Don't eat dinner after 9:00 p.m.

As the day progresses, the body prepares for rest and burns fewer calories. It is recommended to have dinner around 9:00 p.m. I eat late. If your routine does not allow you to have this schedule, have a snack and opt for light dinners.

As indicated in another section on how to increase basal metabolism, you can snack on something light before sleeping. It seems that this practice avoids such a long fast and improves muscle regeneration . And, a more cared muscle leads to a more active metabolism.