How to get a six-pack without training

If you are here, it is because you probably want to define your abs without spending centuries in the gym, either because you do not have time to go or because you have an injury that prevents you.

Despite this, you can still achieve the long-awaited six-pack. However, to do so without the help of the gym machines, you must follow a specific diet and adapt to a physically active lifestyle.

Find out how to get a six-pack without going to the gym .

Cómo conseguir un six-pack sin entrenar

How to get a six-pack without training

1. Decrease your carbohydrate intake

Carbohydrates are very beneficial, especially when you consider that they are the body's main source of energy and an important source of fiber. However, to achieve a six-pack without exercise , it is necessary to reduce its consumption.

A study carried out by The Journal of Nutrition , proved that a diet with 41-43% of calories from carbohydrates allows a greater loss of abdominal fat when compared to a diet whose amount of calories from carbohydrates exceeds the 55% (Gower and Goss, 2015).

The recommendation is to use a carbohydrate calculator to determine what you consume on a daily basis. The foods allowed in the diet are watery, fibrous vegetables and healthy proteins. On the other hand, you should reduce the consumption of bread, cereals, pasta, starchy vegetables, fruits, soft drinks and completely eliminate processed snacks.

On its own, cutting carbs doesn't guarantee a six-pack, but it does remove excess fat that prevents definition of the abdomen .

Disminuir carbohidratos para conseguir un six-pack

2. Hydrate yourself better

Drinking water not only quenches your thirst, it also reduces bloating and makes you feel full, so you will avoid overeating. In that sense, it is necessary that you add watery vegetables and infusions to the diet.

It is advisable to drink a glass of water every morning and add watery vegetables to each meal (broccoli, lettuce, celery or cucumber). In addition, you should reduce the intake of soda and alcohol, since they cause bloating and alcohol, especially, adds calories that they will impair the definition of the six-pack .

Hidratarte mejor para lograr un six-pack sin entrenar

3. Be active

If you can't go to the gym, whatever the reasons, you have to be physically active to get the six-pack. Consider climbing stairs, parking your car far away, walking the dog several times, or starting a new hobby like dancing or walking. The movement makes you burn calories and this brings you closer to the much desired six-pack.

You can also wash the car, push the vacuum cleaner, or any other household chore that, as simple as they may seem, activates the abs and makes it easier to define.

¿Cómo obtener un six-pack rápidamente?

4. Keep your abs tight throughout the day

Posture plays an important role in defining the abdomen . To keep your muscle from looking bloated rather than defined, take an upright posture, both when sitting or standing, and contract your abs as if you were going to take a hit. Do it every time you remember and during whatever task you are doing.


Going to the gym is not the only way to achieve a defined abs . If you are unable to attend due to a short time or an injury, consider cutting down on carbohydrates, improving hydration, staying physically active, and improving your posture to achieve the much-appreciated six-pack.


  • Gower, BA and Goss, AM (2015). A lower-carbohydrate, higher-fat diet reduces abdominal and intermuscular fat and increases insulin sensitivity in adults at risk of type 2 diabetes. Journal of Nutrition. doi: 10.3945 / jn.114.195065