How To Effectively Deal With Imposter Syndrome

It is known as ” impostor syndrome ” to that sensation that a person who has achieved success can feel, but who does not feel really comfortable with the objectives that he has achieved; that is, people feel that they reached the level they are thanks to luck or, as the name implies, by fraud.

This problem is much more common than you really think. It typically affects many people who have actually legitimately earned an important position, causing them to question their capabilities.

According to a new published study, the best way to overcome imposter syndrome is by connecting with people who work in a completely different field than yours. This helps to find a new perspective on how your skills have a great impact (Gardner et al., 2019).

Find out how to deal effectively with imposter syndrome .

Cómo afrontar el síndrome del impostor

How to deal with imposter syndrome

1. Seek new opinions about your abilities

Your personal environment includes many people with the same abilities as you, but these people may have great friends or mentors who may be willing to talk to you to help you solve your problem.

Ask your acquaintances to introduce you to people who are in a completely different field or environment than yours. Not only will this help you broaden your knowledge, but it will also be helpful and comforting to hear about experiences of other people growing in their personal careers.

By starting a discussion with new people and being able to tell them about your skills, they will be able to get to know you based on your comments, evaluate your skills and give you their personal opinions.

Consejos para afrontar el síndrome del impostor

2. Support a cause important to you

It is recommended to look for a cause that goes hand in hand with your personal interest; for example, animal rights, climate change or the fight against poverty, among countless other things. You can do this by attending fundraising and charity events; You can also volunteer your time to support non-profit organizations in order to seek new experiences.

This is a good opportunity to support a cause that is important to you and to create new relationships with people from other backgrounds. These people will be able to show their experiences and they will show you how they feel through the whole process they have developed to get to where they are.

Apoyar una causa importante para superar el síndrome del impostor

3. Resume communication with old acquaintances

A good option that you can take into account is to reconnect with those old students from your college or university. This is a great alternative that can help guide you throughout your career, where you can combat negative thoughts related to your personal achievements .

If you don’t have a personal relationship with your classmates, you can connect with them through social media. As you relate to each other, you will be able to trust and listen to your opinions without judging yourself.

By meeting new people, you will be able to realize that you really deserve all that you have achieved, feeling proud of yourself and your achievements.

Cómo superar el síndrome del impostor


Many times people feel overwhelmed by all the success they have had. For this reason, they tend to doubt their abilities, feel bad about themselves, and have negative thoughts. This problem is known as the impostor syndrome, but you can combat it with these 3 tips that we have given you.


  • Gardner, R., Bednar, J., Stewart, B., Oldroyd, J. and Moore, J. (2019). “I must have slipped through the cracks somehow”: An examination of coping with perceived impostorism and the role of social support. Journal of Vocational Behavior. doi: 10.1016 / j.jvb.2019.103337
  • Amanda, P. Struggling with Imposter Syndrome? Here’s 1 Proven Way to Seriously Boost Your Confidence. For Inc [Revised February 2020].