How long do you have to wait to have breakfast?

We’ve all heard the saying that “breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” We agree that if it is healthy, it provides energy to take advantage of the day, in addition to speeding up metabolism and improving cognitive function.

However, there is a wide debate between people who love to eat breakfast as soon as they wake up and those who prefer to wait a couple of hours. Who has the reason? Is there a waiting time since we open our eyes in the morning?

Two hours after waking up

When it comes to a healthy diet, breakfast matters not only in your schedule, but in the foods you choose. Experts say that the best time to have breakfast is two hours after getting up. There are those who argue that the sooner you eat breakfast after waking up, the better it will be for your metabolism. But in the opposite position are those who prefer to do intermittent fasting and have breakfast in the middle of the morning.

At breakfast there is nothing established. If we train in the morning, nothing will happen if we do it on an empty stomach and have breakfast at the end of the sweat session. But in the case of wanting to eat some food, it is better to have a light meal like a banana or avocado toast 20-30 minutes before going to the gym.

The truth is that the first meal of the day does not have to be a giant toast with a strong coffee. Breakfast can be as simple as a smoothie or a slice of avocado toast (or, really, any food we see at first glance). Starting slowly and increasing the amount we eat in the morning will prevent nausea. The body will get used to food and start to depend on it for fuel. In other words, as the body adjusts to new breakfast habits, hunger signals will get used to it too.

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Breakfast has no time

Although there are those who recommend having breakfast between 6 and 10 in the morning , and two hours after waking up, it is best to do it whenever we want.

Not a few people wake up with nausea and a closed stomach. In these cases, trying to pack a breakfast, no matter how small, can generate anxiety and stress. It can even lead to a habit of reluctance and lose the charm of having a coffee and yogurt with fruit first thing in the day.

If we eliminate the period of running to prepare and eat freshly awake, we are sure that we will have breakfast in the next two hours. Unless we are very used to intermittent fasting , our body will begin to send signals for us to eat food that gives it energy. In addition, we can make a nutritious, conscious and leisurely breakfast. Having a good breakfast is something to look forward to at the start of the day.

Even fasting lovers prefer to eat within a pre-established window of hours. This can turn your breakfast into lunch, so there is no set period for the correct breakfast. The best thing is to square it with our lifestyle.