How is pomace oil different from olive oil?

You have probably been to the supermarket or herbalist and have thought about choosing between pomace, olive and extra virgin olive oil.

It can be tempting to buy pomace oil instead of extra virgin olive oil depending on the price. But because oils are not created in the same way, their uses and functions are different as well, hence the need to classify them. In this case, the refined pomace oil can be used for consumption, while its raw version is not suitable for the table.

What is pomace oil?

Like olive oil, this is the juice extracted from the fruit of the olive tree. But unlike other olive oils, the pomace oil is not collected mechanically. Instead, it is made from the oil remaining in the olive pulp after the olive and extra virgin oils have been extracted.

The pomace is mixed with solvents and other chemicals. It is virtually flavorless , which can be ideal for dishes that don’t lend themselves to strong flavors. It is also a refined oil, which means that it has been extracted from virgin olive oils through refinement.

Pomace oil can refer to refined or crude oil. The former is suitable for consumption, while the latter can only be used for industrial purposes.

Differences with olive oil


Olive oil

Orujo oil


Fruit or seed

Dried pulp


With ejector pressure

Solvent extracted


Treatments for diabetes
Heart diseases
Skin treatments



Extra virgin
Olive pomace

Olive made from refined pomace oil and virgin olive oil


Olive oil is made up of pomace

The pomace is a type of olive oil

Health benefits

Regular consumption of this oil can help keep your arteries clean. This is because it is 80 percent monounsaturated , which can help lower cholesterol levels. It also retains the benefits of olive oil, including a high level of oleanolic acid that helps reduce high blood pressure.

And like other olive oils, the pomace oil is also naturally gluten-free , even after it has been refined.

Although pomace is considered a waste by-product, it is not without its benefits. Nutritionally, a December 2018 study in the journal Science of the Total Environment reported that it is rich in healthy unsaturated fats, vitamin E, and antioxidants.

It also contains a variety of healthy fats and beneficial bioactive compounds, such as antioxidants and pentacyclic triterpenes. These compounds are believed to help:

  • Fight bacteria, fungi and other microbes.
  • Fight cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis.
  • Reduce the negative effects of diabetes.
  • Decrease inflammation.
  • Low cholesterol
  • Protect various organ systems, including the gastrointestinal system and the liver.

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Certain compounds found in olive pomace can help support the treatment of certain different diseases, such as cancer, multiple sclerosis, and osteoporosis. For example, an August 2013 study in the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture reported that apple seed oil is also rich in antioxidants and healthy unsaturated fatty acids. Like olive pomace oil, it has interesting biomedical properties, such as anticancer effects.

Although they are less common, you can also get other types of pomace oil from other plants. In many cases, the seeds are separated from the remaining pomace to create a purer oil.

The pomace is not only used to make oil; It can also be used to produce pomace brandy and other products. Brandy is generally made with grape pomace and other sweet fruits, rather than olive oil. However, none of this is healthy for the body.

How to use pomace oil in the day to day?

Like olive, this can be used for cooking. The good thing about this is that, unlike extra virgin olive oil, which has a low boiling point, pomace oil can be used to fry dishes.

Apart from uses in the kitchen, it can also be used to treat hair problems. Using a little pomace oil on a damaged scalp can alleviate dryness. Similarly, you can also use pomace in the bathroom to rejuvenate dry skin .

Pomace oil, like other olive oils, is versatile, although it may be a bit below extra virgin olive oil and other olive oils. However, it maintains the same benefits as olive oil, making it an ideal substitute for ingredients like butter (and even olive oil). After all, it is still made from the same olive. It is an affordable, useful and healthy oil that everyone needs in the kitchen.

aceite de orujo en un bote

Are there contraindications?

Produced with solvents

Olive-pomace oil is extracted with solvents such as hexane. The extraction process helps to get even the last drop of oil out of the pulp, without generating waste. However, the use of hexane in the extraction process is often criticized by the natural and specialty food industry.

It is a refined oil

As mentioned above, among the good properties, being a refined oil can also be attributed to its bad properties. This depends on the person using it because since it does not add any fresh olive flavor to food, some may not consider olive pomace oil to be the best alternative to cooking oil.

It is less healthy than extra virgin olive oil

Olive oil is naturally packed with a host of health benefits, not entirely found in pomace. As it is the form extracted from the pulp already used, it does not have the polyphenols that fight cancer and other elements found in olive oil. Therefore, if you are among the choice to choose a better and healthier alternative for your cooking oil, pomace oil is a good option (even if it has a small number of disadvantages). Why? It is a type of olive oil, it is cheap, refined and gluten free.