Hormone therapy: What is it and how is it used to fight cancer?

Hormone therapy or hormonal treatment attacks cancer by slowing its progression through the modification of hormones . The drugs that are prescribed in these cancer treatments neutralize the stimulatory effect of hormones for cancer cells. However, for them to be effective, the circumstance must occur that the tumor has to depend on the stimulation of hormones for its growth and expansion.

What types of cancers are fought with hormone therapy? By the nature of the treatment, it is indicated for breast cancer and prostate cancer. Some stages of ovarian cancer, endometrial cancer or some neuroendocrine tumors can also be treated with this modality with guarantees of improvement.

Hormone treatment in different cancers

Breast cancer and hormone therapy

60% of breast cancers show their hormone dependence ; hence, hormonal treatment is chosen to neutralize the advance of cancer cells. In those cases in which the tumors do not have hormone receptors, the treatment is not effective.

When cancer is suitable for treatment, one drug or another is applied, depending on the type of cancer, its stage and the patient’s life cycle. In the case of premenopausal women, an anti-estrogen such as tamoxifen is usually chosen, which inhibits estrogen production and suffocates the cancer.

tratamientos para cánceres hormonodependientes

During postmenopause , although tamoxifen can be used , inhibitors are usually chosen that suppress the body’s synthesis of estrogens.

If the cancer is spread, there is a risk that it will become immune to the effect of hormone treatment, so it will continue to spread. For these cases there are some counter-inhibitors that restore the receptivity of cancer cells to the absence of hormones.

How is the hormone treatment of prostate cancer

If, in the case of breast cancer, it is sought to deactivate the source of nutrition for the tumor, which is estrogens, in prostate cancer the mechanism is similar, but seeking to reduce androgens in the blood (testosterone), which are the food of the own cancer. Here, the hormonal treatment responds to the type of chemical castration.

Side effects of hormone therapy treatments

Unlike other types of cancer treatment, such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy , the body tolerates hormone therapy treatment fairly well – within the severity of the disease. However, this does not mean that all side effects go away.

In fact, with this hormonal treatment against cancer, two types of side effects usually appear: on the one hand, those that are common to all types of hormonal therapies; on the other, those that are disclosed only for each type of drug used.

These are the common side effects of hormone therapy

It is assumed that each person and each body assimilates and reacts to treatments differently. With this in mind, specialists consider as common side effects to all drugs, duration and cancer treated, hot flashes, the appearance of vaginal dryness, the repetition of cystitis or urine infection, a decrease in libido, asthenia or disorders in the mood.

Side effects depending on the patient’s treatment

Side effects of tamoxifen

When the treatment prescribed by the oncologist and gynecologist is based on tamoxifen, vaginal bleeding or irregular menstruation is relatively common. To control the evolution, the patient has to undergo a gynecological follow-up.

Another consequence of this hormonal treatment for breast cancer is the appearance of cysts in the ovaries . In most cases, they will only require monitoring by the gynecologist.

qué es la hormonoterapia

However, it may occasionally happen that tamoxifen causes tumors in the uterus. This circumstance, except at risk to the patient, does not prevent continuing with the treatment.

Oncologists insist that the patient should inform the professional if they are taking other medications for other conditions, as tamoxifen has been shown to react poorly if taken simultaneously with other medications such as antidepressants.

What side effects are associated with the use of Aromatase Inhibitors?

Many women have been surprised by osteoporosis as a result of their cancer treatment or have suffered . This supervening disease, which weakens your bones and makes them more fragile, is directly related to the action of treatment with Aromatase inhibitors .

Generally, once detected, osteoporosis can only be delayed by taking calcium and vitamin D. In more severe cases, the doctor may prescribe a bisphosphonate to give the weakened bone more strength.

A second picture of symptoms of affectation derived from this treatment involves pain in the bones or difficulties in moving the joints as a consequence, among other causes, of increased joint stiffness, or symptoms of tendinitis.

There is misinformation as to whether this treatment is responsible for ulcer complications. It is true that it can increase blood cholesterol , something that the patient must control with periodic tests.

Adverse effects of hormonal treatment with progestogens

In this type of cancer treatment, the patient may feel a greater appetite than usual, with the consequent weight gain. In addition, and with greater danger, it is also behind more common thromboembolic phenomena.

If you have questions about cancer or its treatment, you can access the Spanish Association Against Cancer or the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology , as recognized researchers and specialists in the area, at this link.