HIIT routine for basketball players

Basketball is a sport that requires a lot of agility, which is a very important factor for all athletes and especially for players in this sport, since it allows them to move quickly and easily, allowing them to perform various maneuvers and during matches.

To achieve this agility and improve your skill in the game, we present you a HIIT routine (High Intensity Intervals), which allows you to:

  • Jump higher.
  • To run faster.
  • Move and scroll more efficiently.

In addition, it is based on the style of high intensity interval training (HIIT), alternating the exercises with short periods of rest, which will also allow you to burn enough calories. Get ready to start this basketball HIIT routine .

HIIT training for basketball

This workout lasts only 16 minutes, but this does not mean that it will be easy. Before you start you must do the following:

  1. Warm up your body by alternating between jumping rope, explosive jumping jacks, and lateral lunges for five minutes.
  2. Then grab a ball or basketball and follow each of the 5 exercises detailed below. You must do each exercise for 1 minute, with a 30-second break.
  3. After doing all 5 exercises, do two more rounds, making a total of 3 rounds in the routine.

ejercicios para mejorar la agilidad en baloncesto

5 exercises for basketball players

1. Squat, shot and press

With this exercise you will work your glutes and improve your rotation movement.

To perform the exercise, follow these steps:

  1. Stand in a neutral position, feet hip-width apart.
  2. Hold a basketball in your hands and place it in front of your chest.
  3. Lower yourself into a squat position. Make sure your abdomen or core is tight and contracted.
  4. Your chest should remain upright.
  5. Jump up, raising your arms with the basketball in your hands.
  6. Land on the balls of your feet, bringing the ball to your chest.
  7. Take a step with your right foot to the side, then turn your body and bend your left knee, striding forward with your right foot.
  8. Make sure both legs are at a 90 degree angle, extend your arms quickly with the ball forward.
  9. Return to the starting position and repeat the movement on the other side.

Rutina para jugadores de baloncesto

2. Push-ups with the ball

To perform this exercise follow these steps:

  1. Get into a basic plank position. Put the ball under your left hand and place your right hand directly on the ground.
  2. Make sure your wrists are under your shoulders and that your body forms a straight line from head to toe.
  3. Bend your elbows so that your upper body drops to the ground.
  4. Do the extension of your elbows, until you reach the plank position again. Subsequently, change the handball.
  5. Continue with the push-up.

With this exercise you will work your chest, shoulders and core.

3. Lay-up lunge

For this exercise, follow these steps:

  1. Place your feet at the width of your hips
  2. The ball must be held with your hands at the height of your chest.
  3. Lunge back with your left leg, keeping your right shin perpendicular to the ground.
  4. While bending to lunge back, touch the ground with the basketball.
  5. Once you hit the ground, make a push or jump up and lift the ball as if you were making a basket.
  6. Repeat this exercise as fast as you can for 30 seconds, and then switch sides.

Performing this exercise you work your glutes, core and your jumping ability.

4. Lateral foot dragging with pull

To perform the exercise, follow these steps:

  1. Stand on the balls of your feet, bend your knees a little until you reach a half squat position.
  2. The ball should be in your hands in front of your chest.
  3. You must move four steps to the right, keeping the ball in front of your chest. Your back should be straight.
  4. Once you move, jump up and raise your arms to shoot the ball.
  5. Keep scrolling from side to side, as many times as possible for a minute.

With this exercise you work your glutes, thighs, calves, shoulders, your core and the displacement.

5. Plyometric lunges with cross ball

To perform this exercise follow these steps:

  1. To start, place your right leg forward in a lunge position.
  2. With both knees make a 90 degree angle.
  3. Your shoulders should be back with your chest upright and facing forward.
  4. Keep the ball in front of your chest.
  5. With your left hand, pass the ball under your right thigh and then grab the ball with your right hand. The ball must follow a trajectory similar to that of an 8.
  6. Take an explosive lunge with your toes, bringing your right leg back and your left leg forward.
  7. Keep your body stable
  8. Transfer the ball between the legs from one side to the other, maintaining the stability of the ball.
  9. Repeat as fast as possible.

With this exercise you work your glutes, core and resistance.


This routine is suitable for basketball players as it combines HIIT training with agility skills necessary for any good basketball player. However, even if you don’t play basketball regularly, you can also try this routine, as it will improve your physical skills for whatever sport you do.


  • Game On! The Sweet 16 HIIT Workout. For Dailyburn. [Revised April 2016]