Gym routine for women to lose weight and tone

Finding a gym routine for women in order to lose weight and tone is easier than you think. It is true that the first days you can find yourself quite lost and not even know where to start. Now, with the advice that we are going to give you, you will find your way right away , witnessing the results every day.

Knowing what your goals are, you just have to be persistent and constant to achieve what you set out to do . On the other hand, you need to be patient. You can’t get the results you want overnight. The body must prepare little by little , so you should not force yourself to reach your goal sooner, since you could do yourself a lot of harm.

Gym routine for women to lose weight and tone

If you want to lose weight and tone, the gym routine for women that we propose below will help you, and a lot, on this path that you are going to start walking. Remember that you should go little by little and never do the exercises for a longer time than your body can handle. It is true that you should try to improve yourself day by day, but never putting your health at risk.

On the other hand, it must be clear that exercises that are used to lose weight are not the same as those that tone your body . In the former there is an increase in respiration and heartbeat . In this way, the metabolism works in a faster way so that the body can fill up with energy. Regarding those who tone, they focus more on muscle work . Thus, they force the muscles to break and grow in a healthy way, without causing any type of injury.

In this way, it is more than possible to combine these two types of exercise in the same training . However, when analyzing your results, you cannot have your weight as a reference. The reason is that the weight of the fat that you burn will be replaced by that of the muscles that are developing . Now, you will feel that the appearance of your core or that of your limbs is no longer flaccid, but will be more toned, creating those beautiful curves. The routine that we propose you to achieve is the one we describe below.


On Monday we merged cardio with toning and carried out the following steps:

  • Warm up on a cardio machine for five minutes. This will only serve to prepare the muscles. You should not get to the point of feeling tired.
  • Twenty minutes should be spent on cardio training. Depending on your physical condition, you will have to increase or decrease the intensity. Breathing should become slightly difficult.
  • Rest for five minutes.
  • Perform three sessions of low pulley bicep curls.
  • Now, go for three high pulley triceps extension sessions.
  • At this point, perform three sessions of pulley lateral raises.
  • Finally, do another three dumbbell front raise sessions.
rutina gym mujer adelgazar y tonificar


After resting during the day on Tuesday, on Wednesday you should bet on working your core and doing cardio . Thus, it carries out the following routine:

  • Warm up for five minutes on a cardio machine, just like you did on Monday.
  • Now do the plank exercise three times. Each of these times should last between thirty and sixty seconds.
  • Then do three swiss ball crunches. Due to the instability of this element, the effectiveness and intensity of this exercise will increase.
  • At this point, bet on three sessions of bike crunches, bringing your knees to your elbows with each movement.
  • Having done the above, now spend ten minutes on cardio. You can use, for example, a treadmill.
  • Finally, use your last five minutes to stretch.


After dedicating Thursday’s day to rest, on Friday you will focus on both cardio and lower body . To do this, comply with the following routine:

  • Warm up your muscles for five minutes on a cardio machine.
  • Now, do two sessions of lunges with dumbbells, thus working your legs, abs and glutes. The weight of this material will help you develop balance throughout the exercise.
  • Now, do squats, three sessions, with a Swiss ball. It is a very complete exercise to involve the whole body.
  • At this time, do leg curls with the machine that allows it, until you reach the three sessions.
  • Next, use the treadmill to do cardio for ten minutes.
  • Just like Wednesday, you should spend the last five minutes of your workout stretching and cooling your muscles.


On Saturday we recommend that you exercise your body but without too much effort . You can, for example, walk for half an hour. It will be very effective.