Guide to the most essential minerals for your body

Minerals are very important inorganic substances to achieve good maintenance of our body and keep it in good health. However, on some occasions, either due to deficiencies in the diet or due to excessive physical activity, we can have deficiencies of them in our body.

Therefore, if you are interested in taking mineral supplements , it is necessary first to know each of them and what their function is in your body, starting with the most basic.

Qué suplementos de minerales se deben comprar

What types of minerals are there?

Minerals are mainly divided into two categories: macrominerals and trace minerals. The main difference between them is the following:

  • Macrominerals : the body requires it in large doses.
  • Trace minerals : only a small amount is needed.

What are the most popular mineral supplements?

1. Calcium

Calcium belongs to the series of macrominerals that interfere with the health of bones and teeth, blood clotting, hormone secretion and even blood pressure.

Normally, you need about 1,000 mg of calcium a day . It is unlikely that you will get excess calcium in your daily diet, but if it does, you may be prone to developing kidney stones.

Food sources for calcium are dairy products, tofu, Chinese cabbage, spinach, and rhubarb.suplementos de minerales más populares

2. Copper

This trace element is considered essential for the proper functioning of your body, as it is key in the formation of red blood cells and plays an important role in energy metabolism, as well as in the functioning of the immune system.

Approximately, you need 0.9 mg of copper per day . Food sources where you can find it are liver, crabmeat, oysters, walnuts, raw mushrooms, and semisweet chocolate.

Fuentes de alimentos de cobre

3. Magnesium

Magnesium is a macromineral that is part of the calcium team that helps with proper muscle contraction, regulation of blood pressure, blood clotting and energy metabolism.

Men need around 400mg and women 310mg a day. The risk of magnesium toxicity is rare, but if taken as a supplement it should not exceed 350 mg per day. For example, ZMA contains an amount of magnesium suitable for everyone.

In turn, magnesium is also found in food sources such as oat bran, almonds, brown rice, cooked spinach, bananas and molasses.Beneficios de los suplementos de magnesio

4. Potassium

Potassium is a key macromineral for muscle function , the nervous system, and the heartbeat. It also helps to level the fluid in the kidneys, saving fluid when dehydrated and excreting when excess fluid is reached.

Although the effects of an upper limit have not yet been determined, it is necessary to obtain approximately 4,700 mg per day of potassium. In contrast, a potassium deficiency can lead to muscle weakness, cramps, fatigue, bloating, and constipation.

On the other hand, high levels of potassium can cause gastrointestinal problems, tingling sensations in the hands and feet, muscle weakness and affect the heart rate.

Natural food sources for potassium are baked potatoes, artichokes, plums, raisins, and bananas.

¿debo ingerir suplementos de potasio?

5. Zinc

Zinc is essential for building enzymes, proteins, and cells. Zinc toxicity is rare, but it does occur may involve developmental deficits. In contrast, not getting enough zinc can also lead to delayed development, cognitive decline, and a weakening of the immune system.

Men need approximately 11 mg of zinc and women require 8 mg. It is important to note that zinc from plant sources is less easily absorbed, so if you are vegetarian or vegan it is advisable to take it in the form of supplements, such as ZMA.

Natural food sources that you can get zinc from are oysters, beef, turkey, milk, and cashews.¿Cuánto zinc debo tomar al día?


This information can serve as a guide to choose the most appropriate mineral supplements based on your nutritional needs; however, it is recommended that before starting to take mineral supplements , you consult with your doctor. In this sense, the information that we have provided can help you better focus the doubts you may have on the nutrition expert.


  • Bodyrock. The essential guide to vitamins and minerals. For Bodyrock. [Revised September 2016]