Ginger Detox Shot: Start the day with energy!

If you are one of those people who wake up tired and need a shot of energy to start the morning off on the right foot but you don't like coffee, a ginger detox shot could be the solution for you. Thanks to its high content of vitamins and minerals (calcium, zinc, vitamin D, A and C), it is the perfect way to provide your body with all the nutrients it needs to end tiredness and fatigue and allow you to cope with activities from day to day.

Health benefits of ginger

Ginger root is one of the healthiest and most nutritious spices in the world, and it has numerous benefits for your health that you can enjoy if you consume it in a ginger detox shot, included in your meals or grated on top of your salads.

Fight germs

Certain chemical compounds in fresh ginger help your body protect itself from germs. They are especially good at stopping the growth of bacteria like E.coli and shigella, and they can also keep viruses like RSV at bay .

Calms nausea

Ginger helps if you are trying to ease an upset stomach, especially during pregnancy. It works because it dissolves and removes gases accumulated in your intestines, and relieves heartburn and discomfort caused by nausea .

Keeps the mouth healthy

The antibacterial power of ginger can also brighten your smile. The active compounds in ginger called gingerols prevent the growth of bacteria on the oral mucosa . These are the same bacteria that can cause gingivitis, pyorrhea, and other gum infections.

jengibre en polvo para chupito detox

Relieves menstrual cramps

Do you have menstrual cramps? Ginger powder can help. Studies have shown that women who took 1,500 milligrams of ginger powder once a day for 3 days during their cycle felt less pain than those who did not.

Reduce the cholesterol

A daily dose of ginger can help you fight your levels of "bad" cholesterol or LDL. In a recent study, taking 5 grams of ginger a day for 3 months lowered the LDL cholesterol of the subjects studied by an average of 30 points.

3 types of ginger detox shot you can take for energy and health

Now that you know the benefits of ginger, we show you three types of ginger detox shot that you can prepare to fill you up with energy and help eliminate everything that your body does not need.

Ginger Lemon Detox Shot

This duo of ingredients offers two of the benefits most sought after by most of us: promoting the loss of body fat and improving skin health by preventing premature aging thanks to the concentration of vitamin C.

In addition, both foods have high diuretic and detoxifying properties, so consuming a glass of hot water with lemon and a teaspoon of ginger on an empty stomach will help reduce fluids and eliminate toxins.

Ginger apple detox shot

Its properties help fight acne, lower blood sugar levels and alkalize the body . To prepare it, just put a small apple, a teaspoon of ginger and 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon through the blender.

Pineapple ginger detox shot

Thanks to its high fiber content and diuretic properties, this mixture improves digestion, eliminates and prevents fluid retention and is an excellent anti-inflammatory . It can be prepared by mixing 1/2 cup of chopped pineapple and 3 cm of ginger.