Ginger: all uses and benefits it brings to our health

Do you have high blood pressure? If you are one of those who prefers natural remedies to chemicals, or you simply like to experiment with new flavors, ginger is a medicinal plant with multiple uses, benefits and some contraindications. We see it all in this article.

What is ginger

Ginger is a natural medicine, with an anti-inflammatory function and qualities suitable for combating respiratory diseases, arthritis or digestive problems.

It has a peculiar aromatic spicy flavor . Of course, consume it in moderation.

Health benefits of ginger

té de gengibre con limón para resfriados

Various scientific studies confirm that the benefits of ginger go beyond the home remedies with ginger.

For example, to improve circulation. In fact, ginger is a natural medicinal plant that helps prevent tiredness in the legs and arms due to poor circulation, as well as preventing the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Of course, its most recognized value is related to the digestive system: from stimulating the proper functioning of the pancreas to preventing intestinal diseases or being a natural painkiller for chemotherapy patients or those with vomiting episodes.

Other health benefits of ginger

In addition to all these properties and benefits of ginger, add these qualities:

  • For arthritis and osteoarthritis, it mitigates inflammation and pain.
  • If you have the flu or a simple cold with feverish processes, it helps lower the fever and alleviates the symptoms.
  • In case of congestion, it helps to expel mucus.
  • If you suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome, it brings that extra freshness that is needed.

Contraindications of ginger before its consumption

Even when it is a natural product, depending on medical circumstances, taking ginger may have contraindications that should be known to avoid the risk.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding

Although the false belief is widespread that ginger cannot be consumed when you are pregnant or breastfeeding, scientific reality suggests that only pregnant or lactating women have to be very cautious.

During this stage, ginger can help alleviate the symptoms of vomiting and discomfort, or cause some contraindications such as having an irritated colon, suffering from gastroenteritis, fevers, or hypertension.

Therefore, both during pregnancy and especially in lactation, it is recommended to avoid it.

For people with hypotension

Do you have low blood pressure? If you are prone to hypotension, you have to watch the amount of ginger you take. This food is usually prescribed to regulate tension when it is high. However, in cases where you are generally sick, the situation can worsen.

As a result, the patient would suffer more severe bouts of dizziness, habitual headaches, and even fainting spells. In the most severe cases it can lead to cardiovascular problems.

For patients with diabetes

As we have seen, one of the properties of ginger is to act as a regulator of blood sugar . Ideal for diabetics? Yes and no. Yes, in that it does not imply consuming pills of chemical origin; Now, if it is to be combined with medication, it can cause harmful glucose imbalances, so you will have to readjust with a new dose of insulin.

How to take ginger

En asia se consume jengibre con el sushi

There are multiple options for incorporating ginger into your diet. The most common is to consume it fresh or powdered . As a condiment , it adds a lot of flavor, so it is always recommended to use very measured amounts to avoid overloading the dish.

Where can you find ginger? From creams to rice dishes, stews, sauces or different desserts such as the traditional gingerbread cakes.

Ginger tea or infusion

Ginger infusions have a certain spicy aftertaste. If you want to soften it up, try a lemon wedge or a little lemon juice. This trick also helps cure colds.

To make a ginger tea, 30 grams of ginger, a glass of water and a little sweetener to taste will suffice (brown sugar works very well).

The step by step to make a ginger infusion is as simple as:

  • Wash the plant or root
  • Peel it and cut it very fine
  • Boil the water and only then add the ginger

Before drinking the ginger tea, it is advisable to let it rest for about five minutes and strain it to avoid residues in the infusion.

What other natural remedies like ginger do you take on a day-to-day basis?