Why travel? 5 universal reasons to do it

The human being is what he is because he carries the desire to travel in his DNA. In one way or another, traveling is part of the essence of a human being . Our eagerness to discover and learn is part of our nature.

The History of Humanity is full of examples: From our first ancestors , nomads in search of a place in the world; even the heroes of the great voyages, all brave travelers. Alexander the Great, Marco Polo or Colón are some of those who have marked a before and after in our history. But also Admunsen, the first to reach Antarctica, or Edmund Hillary, the first to crown Everest.

Today we are as we are because for centuries we have been traveling. Sometimes out of necessity, sometimes out of curiosity, and sometimes even out of greed . The point is that our history is intimately linked to our insurmountable desire to travel.

For this reason, in the XXI century, we do not have to be conquerors, fierce warriors or crazy adventurers, nor is it necessary that we go through calamities to discover new cultures. We ourselves have made traveling a pleasure within the reach of all budgets . There are so many options, destinations and beautiful places, that there will always be the perfect trip for you .

But for those who still doubt whether traveling is the spice of life, here are the 5 universal reasons that move each and every one of the travelers.

Reasons why we want to travel

Travel to get out of the routine

The first reason is obvious, but no less true, traveling to get out of the routine is necessary for our mental health. Breaking with our daily bread, with work, rush, stress and daily life, is essential to avoid going crazy . From time to time, we need to leave our home simply for the pleasure of missing it , but others, also, for the need to know and visit places that, after all, are the home of others.

viajar para vivir

Travel to feel alive

We travel because we feel alive: because of emotion, because of nerves, because of illusion, because traveling gives us feelings and sensations that, without them, we could not be ourselves.

Few things like a trip manage to give you that wonderful feeling of expectation and desire, in addition to the desire to arrive and discover or change one place for another. Because, sometimes, changing the scene of our days helps us to move on , to look with optimism and to start thinking about the next destination.

Know our favorite places

We travel because there are places that we love . We all dream of those places that touch our hearts: Perhaps the beach or the town of our parents ; a mountain getaway or a long trip to some exotic destination . We each have a place in our minds and we all want to get there at some point in our lives . To choose these places there are no rules or regulations. Each of us, for reasons only we understand, we fall in love with places just as we fall in love with people . In places where others do not know how to see magic, you see it, feel it and live it every time you arrive.

Travel to share

We travel because we want to share special moments with people we love . Whether with the person or people you travel with or those you meet along the way, traveling brings us closer to those who are or will be important to us, offering us different moments and new experiences to share. Even if you talk to those who travel alone, who are more and more, they will tell you that one of the great advantages of this way of traveling is , precisely, the number of people you meet along the way.

viajar con tu gente

Travel to break your fears

Feeling fear is something normal and important, since it helps you protect yourself before certain circumstances. But there is a common fear in our society that, directly or indirectly, has affected everyone when making decisions. It is about the uncertainty you feel with the “what will become of me if …”

By traveling the world you will get rid of all that fear and uncertainty that constrains you and you will learn to let it pass and live with it in your day to day life.

Travel just because

We travel because we do not need reasons to do so. Because we don’t have to explain to others or to ourselves. We all understand that traveling, like eating or breathing, is a vital necessity, so we are not forced to give ourselves an excuse to plan our next trip . No one will ever ask you why you are going on vacation: Every time you discuss a decision with your environment, whether it is more or less relevant, you find a reason. Everyone wants to know why you buy a new car, why you change your job or partner, why you do the things you do. However, when it comes to travel, there are no whys here, the only question is where.

no hacen falta razones para viajar

Travel to be happy

In short, we travel because it makes us happy. Traveling offers so many possibilities that we are all capable of finding that trip that from the moment we begin to prepare, makes us smile and gives us illusion: Be it a beach a few kilometers from home; the place that has seen our ancestors grow; perhaps that corner of the world that you have seen on TV and it has touched your soul; or that distant country that does not stop attracting you. Be that as it may, whatever you like and whatever your dreams are, the idea of traveling always brings a smile to your face.