How often should you go to the toilet to be healthy?

Some of the signs of a successful morning routine can be a nutritious and appetizing breakfast, a strong cup of coffee, perhaps your favorite podcast, and a visit to service.

We all have our own personal rituals in the bathroom, but for each and every person, being habitual is the sign of a healthy gut. And while deviations from the norm can occur occasionally, abrupt changes from your usual rate can indicate some problems with your gut health.

muñeco encima de un váter para hacer caca

What is a normal bowel movement?

Although there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to bathing, there are some general rules of thumb that can indicate whether or not your bowel movement is healthy. Changes to your regular routine are likely to happen from time to time, but changes from regular pooping should last up to a week (and no longer).

Most people have regular bowel patterns and can expect to poop about the same number of times a day and at the same time. But it is also normal to experience temporary changes in bowel habits from time to time.

The frequency will vary from person to person, but someone can expect to go between three times a day and three times a week . Again, what matters is consistency. If you use the bathroom the same number of times week after week, that's what is healthy for you.

Additionally, the consistency of your stool also plays a role in your overall health. When it comes to what is considered healthy, as long as the bowel movement is consistent, if the stool is soft, brown, and comfortable to pass , there is usually nothing to worry about.

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How does frequency influence gut bacteria?

Your frequency of defecation can shed some light on the diversity of your bacteria in your gut.

And that's important, because the trillions of microorganisms within your gut microbiome help you digest food, fight pathogens, synthesize vitamins, and regulate the immune system.

These microorganisms are doing important work. Typically, you want to have a wide variety of species of bacteria present within your microbiome, as they serve different purposes. In fact, having a diversity of species is a characteristic of healthy individuals, according to a March 2016 article in Molecular Metabolism.

That's where how often you go can matter. People who defecate less frequently (about twice a week or less) had the most diverse bacteria present in their stool samples , according to a small July 2019 study published in Intestinal Research that looked at the diversity of gut bacteria from 60 people . In contrast, those who defecated at least two to three times a day (or more) had the least diverse gut bacteria present.

While we definitely need more research on the connection between gut bacteria diversity and stool frequency, it's possible that more frequent defecation could indicate a less diverse microbiome.

Pooping too often can be a sign of a problem

There is no normal number of bowel movements per day, but any more than usual can mean some bowel problems. Unless you've increased your activity levels, changed your eating habits, or altered your water intake, frequent trips to the bathroom could mean you have an intestinal virus .

Most frequent bowel movements are usually caused by a change in lifestyle . But in some cases, especially if the consistency of your stool is looser than usual, you may have a bacterial infection . Generally, intestinal bugs should disappear within a day or two, however if your bowel movements don't return to normal, you may need to see a doctor.

Sometimes frequent defecation can also indicate an underlying condition. Persistent trips to the bathroom can be a sign of celiac disease , an immune reaction that some people experience after ingesting gluten.

Also, frequent and inconsistent bowel movement can be a sign of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a chronic disorder that affects the large intestine. Generally, the signs of IBS include bloating, diarrhea, and frequent bowel movements, among others.

rollo de papel higiénico para la caca

Poaching infrequently can indicate an imbalanced gut

Despite the Intestinal Research findings, pooping infrequently shouldn't be a goal.

On many levels, the frequency of poop is personal. The number of times you use the bathroom can be totally different than the frequency of your siblings or friends pooping, for example. However, you may both be perfectly healthy.

As a general rule, going about three days without using the bathroom is classified as constipation . An occasional drought in the bathroom is usually a sign of some lifestyle changes. You may be dehydrated or low on fiber in your diet. Both fiber and water are essential to help things move through your digestive system.

But chronic constipation can be a sign that your gut bacteria are out of balance or upset, according to a July 2016 review in SpringerPlus. Your gut bacteria help your body break down and digest the food you eat. So when you're having trouble going to the toilet, it can be a sign that your bacteria are a bit out of the ordinary.

In some severe cases, not having a bowel movement for long periods of time can indicate an inflammation of the intestine or an infection in the colon , also known as diverticulitis.