Differences between refeeds and cheat days so you know which one to include in your diet

Having a good training routine is as important as eating a good diet to achieve your goals. In the same way that it is sometimes necessary to modify a workout so that the muscle does not get used to it and thus continue to achieve better results, introducing changes in the diet can have similar effects. So we are going to explain the differences between refeeds and cheat days . They are two techniques that you can introduce into your diet but they have certain differences and you must know them well to know which one is best for you.

What is a refeed ?

Refeed consists of breaking with your usual diet and introducing a greater amount of calories one day a week , mostly from carbohydrates.

This method is normally used in those moments when special attention is paid to toning your muscles and it is intended to gain glycogen stores and increase leptin levels in the body.

Apart from a physical benefit, refeed has an important psychological power, since it is capable of reducing the stress that a very strict diet would generate on the body . By not generating this feeling, it is much easier to follow it and not give up or feel stuck.

We emphasize that this increase in calories, as it is during a controlled period of time, will not cause the dreaded rebound effect . However, with refeed you will get energy reserves to face a workout. We even emphasize that consuming a greater amount of carbohydrates in a controlled way helps accelerate metabolism and burn fat.

Cuáles son las diferencias entre refeeds y días trampa

There is no rule of thumb when to include a refeed . Usually it is not something that is included when starting a diet, but something that is incorporated as it progresses and the needs of the body are known.

The duration of the refeeds and the amount will vary depending on the percentage of body fat and the intensity of the workouts. So if you are thinking of trying this technique, we advise that, as a rule, the lower the percentage of body fat you have and the more intense your workouts are, the more refeeds you will need .

What is a cheat day?

The cheat day or cheat day consists of eating meals without any planning and consuming what you want without looking at the nutrients. It is usually used as a reward, since you can eat anything, such as fried foods, hamburgers … It really works to get rid of that craving that builds up after days without eating those products that we like so much.

The problem with cheat day is that the amounts of what is consumed are not measured and, at times, it can cause regrets after overdoing it. If you opt for this practice, we advise you not to take it as a day when you can eat until you burst food that is nutritionally junk . This food can be dishes or foods that are not in your usual diet but that you like especially.

As you can see, the cheat day has benefits, especially on a psychological level, but on a nutritional level it is not controlled and excesses must be watched closely.

Differences between refeeds and cheat days

Although both concepts are similar, there are differences between refeeds and cheat days. One of the main differences is that refeed is used, above all, for maintenance and a small excess of calories . On the other hand, on cheat day the calories consumed are not controlled.

Qué es refeeds y día trampa en nutrición

This surplus of calories consumed on the cheat day can come from any type of macronutrient, be it fat, carbohydrates or protein . In the refeed, this surplus of calories consumed comes from carbohydrates to increase the glycogen stores in the muscles.

Something to keep in mind is that it is not advisable to introduce refeed when starting a workout and diet, since it is best to wait until the body is used to it and practice it about twice a week. The cheat day , meanwhile, can only be practiced once, since twice a week it would be to completely lose control of the diet.

Cheat day only brings benefits on a mental level and, depending on the person, can awaken a feeling of guilt. In terms of physical level and metabolism, it is usually more harmful than beneficial. On the other hand, with refeed , benefits are obtained on a psychological and physical level. It has been shown to help the body reduce the stress of a strict diet, thereby reducing fluid retention caused by cortisol.

In both cases, leptin is affected , but in refeed it is carbohydrates that stimulate it in a positive way. In the case of the cheat day , carbohydrates are combined with proteins and fats, which causes a less effective impact on leptin.

The importance of breaking the diet

As we have mentioned previously, breaking with the diet is important to stimulate the body and improve in all senses, both physical and mental.

Now you know two ways to break the monotony of your diet to motivate yourself to keep going . Unfortunately, there is no manual where it is explained how it should be applied, since it depends on each type of person.

An example of a cheat day might be going out to dinner with your friends to add a little disconnect. You will not control the calories, but you will leave the house and being around people will help you not to be aware of the food. The refeed , meanwhile, must be controlled, but there are many ways to consume carbohydrates and enjoy them, from a good pizza to a good pasta dish.

We recommend that you start practicing these variations in the diet when you have been training for a while and your body feels the need to use them. Consult with a dietitian when you should break the diet so that you have the energy and nutrients necessary to achieve your training goals. He is the person who can best help you and advise you.