9 keys to improve the deadlift and progress continuously

When it comes to taking care of our body and, particularly, strengthening our muscles , there is no better alternative than to join a good gym and perform the deadlift technique. In this article you will discover the 9 keys to improve the deadlift and progress continuously. The deadlift is one of the most important muscle building exercises you can do to improve your fitness.

The exercise with weights that we know as deadlift basically consists of lifting a bar and bringing it from the ground to the waist. The deadlift is one of the best exercises that can be done to strengthen the body in general, but especially the waist and the middle and lower back.

How to perform the deadlift technique

Before starting to perform the technique itself, it is recommended that we do a previous warm- up to avoid any type of injury. In this sense, it is enough to do some gentle movements and perform sophisticated stretches especially in the waist and back area.

To execute the technique , the first thing we have to do is position ourselves with both feet parallel to the ground, one next to the other with a distance of about 40 centimeters from each other, respecting the width of the shoulders.

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In a second step, we will bend our knees trying to keep our back completely straight, as if we were trying to sit down.

In a third step, we will begin to descend using our hips, ensuring that the thighs are parallel to the ground. It is important that the lower part of the legs remain vertical. A right angle should be formed between the foot and the lower legs. It is in this step when we take the bar and we predispose ourselves to lift it.

In the last step, we ascend raising our shoulders and hips at the same time, trying to keep our back straight. It is important to consider that the force should be done with a single movement that involves the whole body. We must not allow our waist to be the one that exerts force, because it can be affected by injuries.

Variations of the deadlift technique

There are two types of variations that are considered the main ones when executing the deadlift exercise: the Roman deadlift, and the sumo deadlift.

The Roman deadlift is very similar to the original deadlift technique, but it primarily emphasizes the glutes and hamstrings as engines of force. This type of variation is very common among Olympic weightlifters, and basically consists of lowering the weight from the starting position to a short section below the knees, ensuring that they remain slightly bent.

The sumo deadlift is performed with the legs correctly spread and the arms placed in the middle of the legs. As we go down with the bar, the knees flex simultaneously, as in the common deadlift. This exercise mainly works the hips, the lower part of the lumbar and the hamstrings .

Benefits of performing deadlifts

Among the many benefits that we can find in the deadlift technique, are:

General muscle strengthening

The deadlift is one of the best exercises to strengthen all the muscles in our body and progress continuously in their development. This occurs because in this exercise all the muscles are involved to lift a considerable weight.

Strengthening the core and posterior chain muscles

The deadlift works directly on strengthening the back, hips , glutes, and abs.

Strengthening the arms

Because the deadlift involves a grip force, the arms need to work hard and become stronger in this movement. The muscles that benefit the most are those that meet in the forearm, wrist and fingers.

Improves cardiovascular level

If done with the right intensity, the deadlift will work the respiratory and cardiovascular systems , increasing our ability to do other exercises.

Risks of performing deadlifts

If the deadlift technique is not performed properly , respecting the tips and keys to improve, we can find the following drawbacks :

Back discomfort

If the exercise is not well done, it can lead to back discomfort that prevents our proper development.

Overexertion on the shoulders

If we do not perform the exercise correctly, we can find an imbalance that affects, for example, the shoulders . This can happen if, instead of involving all the muscles in the movement, we only use the shoulders.

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Overexertion on the knees

If the knees are not well positioned and perform the correct movement, they can be overstressed and damaged during exercise.

Injuries in general

If we do not perform the technique correctly, it can lead to injuries that vary in their degree of intensity. That is why it is highly recommended to perform the exercise with a professional who is supervising us.

The most common mistakes when performing deadlifts

The most common mistakes when performing deadlifts are usually the following:

Hunch your back before starting and lift the weight

This is one of the most common mistakes seen in gyms. Make sure your back maintains its natural curve throughout the movement.

Not activating the abdominal muscles

In this powerful exercise, it is essential that you put all the abdominal muscles into operation to obtain the desired results.

Placing the bar too far from our body

It is necessary to place the bar well attached to our body . The most advisable thing is to put your feet under the bar and make sure that it rises close to the shins.

Keys to improving the deadlift and progressing continuously

1 – Straight back

Make sure your back is as straight as possible, respecting its natural curvature.

2 – Chest out

Pushing your chest out allows you to prevent your shoulders from rolling forward.

3 – Relax your neck

Try to relax your neck and always look forward. Relaxation is a fundamental step to avoid undue stress.

4 – Perform the movement slowly

When we do the movement slowly , we ensure that the concentration and strength are adequate.

5 – Align your head with your back

Aligning the head with the back allows us to achieve the proper balance.

6 – Put your feet out

Placing the feet out allows us to have more balance.

7 – Look ahead at all times

Looking ahead ensures that you don't slouch at any time.

8 – Don't force your waist

Make sure that you are using the force in a proportionate way and you are not straining the waist . This way you will avoid injuries.

9 – Stretch at the end

When you're done deadlifting, stretch to avoid any kind of injury.


The deadlift is one of the most important exercises that can be done in a gym. It strengthens all the muscles in general, emphasizing the hamstrings, the lower abdomen and the lower back. It is a fundamental exercise and it is highly recommended that it be performed under the supervision of an experienced trainer. Here we have presented you the keys to improve the deadlift and progress continuously.