First signs of pregnancy, what you need to know

The best way to know that you are pregnant is through a blood pregnancy test or a home test. However, there are some signs that can guide you so that you decide to take a pregnancy test and make the most accurate diagnosis. While you wait to get tested, some of these early pregnancy signs may be familiar to you.

First signs of pregnancy you may experience

One of the most obvious symptoms and the one that prompts most women to take a pregnancy test is missed or missed periods . But not all missed periods or delays are caused by pregnancy: You may have gained or lost too much weight; Hormonal problems, fatigue or stress are other possibilities; Some women fail when they stop taking birth control pills. But if a period is late and pregnancy is a possibility, in this case you should take a pregnancy test.


One of these symptoms is shortness of breath . Now, when you do activities that you used to do normally, you tire faster and feel like you are short of breath, for example, when climbing stairs. This occurs because the growing fetus needs oxygen, and the demand for oxygen is increasing. Unfortunately, if you are pregnant, you should start to get used to this sensation, since, possibly, you feel it throughout the entire pregnancy. In addition, in the later months, when the baby is older, another of the first signs of pregnancy that you will recognize is that your lungs and your diaphragm will be pressed by your uterus, causing even more the sensation of lack of air.

Shortness of breath is also accompanied by a feeling of tiredness and fatigue . Throughout the day you may feel tired, sleepy, you probably fall asleep earlier than usual.

Remember that during pregnancy there is a change in your hormones , which is the cause of this chronic fatigue. It usually lasts until the second trimester of pregnancy.

During the first months of pregnancy, the breasts also undergo many changes, as they begin to prepare for breastfeeding : they become much more sensitive, so even the simple act of putting on the bra may be painful; There may be a feeling that the breasts are larger and heavier; For its part, the areola begins to appear darker in color and the veins appear thicker on the chest.

Nausea is another of the first symptoms of pregnancy . From the first 6 weeks or earlier, pregnant women begin to have nausea, especially in the morning. This annoying symptom does not last long, since during the second trimester you will begin to feel better and you will have more desire to eat. In the meantime, try to feed yourself light things that do not make you feel like you are vomiting.

The cold is another of the first symptoms of pregnancy . You will have a feeling of heaviness: if you feel bloated, and it is difficult for you to go to the bathroom, it may be due to the increase in progesterone, which prevents fluid intestinal transit.


If you go to the bathroom to urinate more times than normal, it could be a sign that you are pregnant. You may wake up during the night to go to the bathroom, and go many more times during the day than you are used to. This happens because during pregnancy, your body produces more fluids, and it makes your bladder work harder. Weeks later, your uterus puts pressure on your bladder, causing it to fill up faster and you need to go to the bathroom more often.

During the first months of pregnancy you will also experience constant mood swings. During this time, your body is getting used to rising hormone levels, and this causes your mood to vary greatly.

At times you may feel dizzy and may even feel like you might pass out. During pregnancy, your blood pressure drops, and your blood sugar drops, which can cause you to have these symptoms. This is why you must stay very well hydrated and eat properly throughout your pregnancy.

If you have some or all of these symptoms that we have mentioned, we recommend that you take a pregnancy test. If you have a late period and the test is negative, you may need to wait a couple more weeks to retest. And if this time it is positive, congratulations!