Filly press: the shoulder exercise that can complete your workout

There are many exercises specially designed for each of our body parts, but there is a very specific one to get muscle and strengthen our shoulders: the filly press . If you want to know it, you just have to keep reading this article.

What is the filly press?

When we train, one of our purposes is to get our muscles to strengthen by getting a nice figure from top to bottom. Although sometimes it does not seem like it and we focus more on the arms, legs and abdomen, the shoulders must be given the same priority during the exercises as the rest of our body. With the filly press exercise it will be easy for us. Therefore, we will explain below everything you need to know about this movement that will allow you to complete your daily routine .

How is the filly press done?

It is a variant of the military press that is carried out with one hand. At the moment in which we flex the elbow, we must support the weight on a clavicle in front of the torso, for which it is necessary to use a kettlebell . In turn, we must try to hit the body with the forearm. Similarly, the other hand also has its rules. First, you will have to hold a dumbbell with your elbow bent and close to your chest. The hand should be positioned in such a way that the palm faces inwards, that is, towards the shoulder.

Holding the kettlebell still and immobilizing the rest of the body, you will extend your arm and raise the dumbbell above your head . When we finish the tour, we will rotate the wrist so that the palm of the hand faces outwards, that is, to what we have in front of us. Finally, we must return the arm to its initial position. The number of repetitions will depend on both your endurance and your goals.

Filly press

Advantages of the filly press

The first thing we must bear in mind is that it is an exercise that is not done in isolation , but rather serves as a complement to a more complete training. Even so, these types of efforts and movements offer a multitude of advantages. For example, one of its greatest benefits is the strength it brings to the muscle , especially the deltoids. Likewise, it has a positive influence on gaining scapular stability. This is due to the fact of having to maintain a firm weight while carrying out movements on the opposite side. Likewise, it should be noted that if rotational movements are added to any exercise table, they favor joint mobility .

In short, it is not only a healthy exercise that allows us to do an exercise that strengthens the state of our body and increases its resistance, but it will provide an aesthetic that many pursue by marking the shape of the muscle, making this evident in a matter of weeks.

The importance of training the shoulders

Without a doubt, training your shoulders is essential to feel really fit. They are muscles that we use in every movement. Therefore, having them strong and resistant will help us on a day-to-day basis, making any routine simpler. Also, if we do not train them properly, we will not achieve the goal of showing off an athletic body. Here are some reasons why you should work your shoulders .

Good posture

There are many occasions when we have to take care of the posture of our shoulders throughout the day. It can be working, doing housework or even walking. Sometimes, if we don’t keep this part strong, it can create an imbalance between it and the neck. Thus, with a good training, we will achieve that our position in any activity improves and that the shoulders stay in place without having to do any overexertion.

Prevent injuries

Having a strong and trained part of the body, be it the shoulders, arms or legs, among others, will allow it to become more resistant to any type of injury , whether exercising or working. For this reason, strength and endurance exercises are essential . There is nothing better than having well-trained and defined shoulders. Our advice is that you always start to work, both in the gym and at home, in a gentle way and little by little add more difficulties to the routine and greater effort. Your perseverance will be worth it.

Greater confidence in yourself

There are many factors that influence our confidence , and one of them is how we see ourselves in front of a mirror. There are those who need to see their body well shaped, and this can only be achieved with a training that is maintained over time. You just have to take a routine seriously and dedicate a few minutes a day to sports. Little by little you will feel better about yourself.