Female mental load What does it consist of and how does it affect today?

We are in the 21st century but today most women are still responsible for most of the household chores. These are not recognized as a job, but sometimes someone else is hired and paid to do them, thus contradicting the above. This is the feminine mental load , in all the mental and emotional pressure that a woman suffers due to the amount of responsibilities she assumes in her daily life.

This situation occurs even if he lives with a man, who will believe that he “helps” his life partner by picking up a plate or using a broom, although it is also his task.

What is the female mental load?

It is an invisible weight that is generated by the constant and deliberate mental effort that comes with being aware that the dynamics of the house work well . While it is true that the man is gradually incorporating himself into the household chores, it is no less true that the one who continues to lead the domestic orchestra is the woman.

When we talk about the mental burden we must distinguish between physical work -such as going to the supermarket or, for example, doing a bank transaction-, which is often a shared task; and mental work , which involves being aware of everything. Some examples are realizing what is needed, organizing, planning, checking, anticipating, deciding and monitoring, among other things. These, most of the time, are assumed only by one member of the couple and mostly by a woman.

Carga mental femenina

Are you mentally burdened?

To know if you suffer from mental load, the first advice that professionals offer is to listen to the body , which sends different signals to each person. The mental load can manifest itself through fatigue, pain or irritation, for example. For this reason, you have to take a deep breath and think. If you feel that you see everything in a negative way or if you are very irritable, you have to stop and analyze what is happening.

Two symptoms that indicate female mental load

The female mental load usually manifests itself through two main symptoms. On the one hand the feeling of guilt and on the other the lack of prioritization of oneself .

We women usually carry the feeling of guilt on our shoulders like a backpack. You have to understand that you can’t be perfect and stop feeling guilty for delegating. In addition, it is noteworthy that the lack of time becomes a situation in which the woman is the last priority. As we do not ask for help , we do not spend time and that takes us away from the woman we were before.

Consequences of the female mental load

If the mental load is maintained over time and is not managed, one of the first effects that can take place is to make more mistakes . This fact will cause, for example, a greater risk of accident. It will also result in fatigue, which degenerates into stress. Likewise, the person can also suffer gastric, metabolic or even cardiovascular problems . In fact, the latest research has even shown that stress modifies the brain .

On the other hand, it should be noted that the problem of mental load is even greater if it goes unnoticed . It happens that sometimes people go to consultation for a health problem, for example gastric, but without communicating its origin. In this way, the doctor will be able to fight against the stomach disorder but it will hardly disappear if the root of the problem is not attacked.

Carga mental femenina

Different effects of female mental load

Professionals differentiate the consequences of stress caused by mental load between cognitive (from worry to obsession), physiological (sweating, upset stomach or dizziness) and motor (such as nail biting and tics such as movements of legs).

Although there is no proven relationship, what is certain is that women consume many more anxiolytics and antidepressants than men.

How could the female mental load be reduced?

Although it may seem impossible, if society were to unite to fight against the female mental burden , a quick and effective solution would be found. Here are some important ideas to end this problem.

Flexible shifts

Flexibility for both men and women can help working couples balance the load , especially as younger men are increasingly willing to take on household chores. Companies should allow employees to work under flexible terms as long as the work gets done, rewarding the results.

Change consumer thinking

Many commercials continue to perpetuate outdated gender roles . Now, some companies are working to change that, and some global initiatives aim to completely remove stereotypes from ad ads.

Paternity leave

Many companies have paternity leave equal to maternity leave, but workers who take advantage of it are often stigmatized . This should not be the case. In addition to providing valuable bonding time with a new baby, paternity leave also allows men to experience what their wives do at home and see first-hand how much work it takes to run a home and family.