Exercises for sciatica: relieve symptoms and recover quickly

It is common that at a certain age we begin to experience discomfort in our body, especially in the back. Today we will focus on exercises for sciatica, as this nerve is often closely related to back pain and other discomforts . If you want to know how to alleviate the symptoms of this problem with some exercises, read on.

Exercises for sciatica while lying down

Elevation and flexion of the knees

To begin with the exercises that you can perform while lying down, we bring you a simple practice that will help you with the relief of pain produced in this nerve . Thus, one of the best exercises for sciatica. Doing it is quite simple, for this you will have to follow the following steps:

  • Lie on your back (on your back).
  • Raise your knees and bend them.
  • Cross your right leg over your left leg, so that your right ankle is close to the knee of your left leg.
  • Bring your hands together and cross them so that they support your left leg.
  • Make a little pressure with your arms trying to bring the legs up or towards your body.
  • You can do this exercise 2-3 times on each leg, resting in 20-second intervals. It is important that you do not raise your head off the ground while doing them.

Ascent and descent of bent legs

Ejercicios para ciática

It is another of the easiest and most practical sciatica exercises to do while lying down. To do so, you just have to follow the following instructions:

  • Lie on your back (supporting your back on the floor) and place your arms extended parallel to your sides.
  • Raise your legs with your knees bent.
  • When you reach a height that you consider appropriate, try to keep your legs at that height level for a few seconds.
  • Then slowly lower your legs to the ground.
  • You can do this exercise about 5 or 10 times according to your resistance, up to 3 sets, with 1 or 2 minutes of rest.

Exercises while sitting

Close-up of the body with one leg crossed

We bring you a simple and excellent exercise that you can do while sitting on the floor, which will help you relieve the annoying pain caused by sciatica . So, pay attention to the instructions that we will mention below, and start putting it into practice:

  • The first thing you should do is sit crossing both legs while keeping your back straight.
  • Leaving your left leg on the floor, lift your right leg and step your right foot over your left thigh.
  • Subsequently, rest your right arm on the ground, ensuring that it is straightened.
  • Next, you must place your left arm on your right knee, trying to bend it so that it is flexed at the elbow.
  • You should slowly turn the entire upper body area (head, trunk and back) to the right side, trying to maintain this rotation for a period of 20 to 30 seconds.
  • Finally, you must repeat the same procedure with the other leg. By performing this exercise with both legs, 1 series is completed. Being able to perform between 3 and 5 series a day according to your abilities.

Exercise crossing both legs

Here we bring you one of the most effective and practical exercises for sciatica. Best of all, you can do this anywhere you are . For it, you will need an object to support your body, such as a chair. With this, you just have to follow the following steps:

  • Find a chair or an object where you can sit and support your back to keep it straight.
  • After sitting down, you should bring the ankle of the left or right leg (according to your preference) over the knee of the leg that is at rest.
  • Next, you should lean your body forward while trying to keep your back as straight as possible.
  • Once you reach the maximum approach point according to your ability, try to stay there as long as possible.
  • Lastly, do the same procedure with the other leg.
  • When you have completed the cycle of this exercise with both legs, a series will be completed. You can perform 3 or 5 sets a day according to your convenience.

Exercises while standing

Straight leg stretch on a surface

Ciática estiramiento de pierna

Almost reaching the end of this varied list of exercises for sciatica, we will recommend a fairly common and effective exercise . It is likely that this practice, you have seen it applied many times by athletes when doing a warm-up. Thus, one of the best stretching exercises for this nerve. To do so, just follow these steps:

  • Find a straight surface that is at the level of your knees on which you can stretch your legs.
  • Choose the leg of your choice and place it on the surface in an extended way, also ensuring that your feet are straight vertically.
  • Bring your body towards the extended leg carefully until you feel tension.
  • Try to stay at the maximum stretch point, for 20 to 30 seconds.
  • Change legs and repeat this exercise as many times as you consider necessary.


Ejercicio de trotar para la ciática

Finally, and culminating with this list of exercises for sciatica, we bring you a common exercise that you can do practically at any time of the day. Jogging in addition to being a fairly healthy activity in general , will help you relieve sciatica pain that can occur regularly as a result of a sedentary lifestyle and poor posture.

It is recommended that you try to jog during the morning or at the end of the day for at least 15 minutes. In case you get tired quickly, you can start by walking for at least 20-30 minutes until your body gets into better physical condition. The important thing is that you try to be in movement and exercise your body daily .

By putting these exercises for sciatica into practice, you can reduce some discomfort

The exercises for sciatica mentioned above in addition to being varied, you can do them at any time of the day anywhere you are. However, keep in mind that these are only recommended to treat mild discomfort . In case you suffer any chronic pain or something more serious, go to a health specialist.