Everything you need to know about stretching

Stretching is a series of very low intensity exercises with which we seek to increase the range of motion of our joints .

It is important not to confuse them with warming up. With stretching we seek to reduce muscle tension and increase range of motion, while with warming up the objective is to raise the body temperature and prepare it for a certain physical activity.

Many people forget to stretch; However, these exercises should be part of our daily routine, since in addition to helping us increase the range of motion, they favor the flow of synovial fluid, which is responsible for properly lubricating the joints.

Find out everything you need to know about stretching , and an effective 5 minute stretching routine .

¿Cómo estirar correctamente?

What are stretching?

Stretches are tensions maintained on the muscles in the opposite direction to their contraction. Its main purpose is to give elasticity to the muscle-tendon system in order to reduce the muscle tension that is generated every time we perform a physical activity. With this type of exercise, it is possible to keep the muscles flexible , in the face of stiffness, while preparing them for movement.

Stretching must conform to our own body and muscle structure and to the degree of our own flexibility. For this reason, stretching is done through gentle and sustained force that will have a favorable impact on the elongation of the connective tissue. On the other hand, it is essential to avoid sudden and sudden force because, this way, we could injure ourselves.

Cómo se debe estirar correctamente

Benefits of stretching

The most obvious benefit of stretching is improved flexibility and a greater range of motion, which is important as the body ages, as the muscles begin to stiffen and the range of motion in the joints goes away. reducing. Also, lack of flexibility can cause our movements to be slower and less fluid.

Here is a list of the benefits that continuous stretching provides :

  • Improved flexibility, endurance and muscle strength. The degree of benefit will depend on the amount of stress you put on the muscle.
  • Reduction of muscle aches and pains. Stretching reduces muscle tension and makes the body feel more relaxed.
  • With static stretching you will get a great improvement in flexibility. In this case, it is advisable to use medium or high muscle stress level exercises.
  • Remarkable improvement in muscle and joint mobility. This fact will end up resulting in an increase in the extension of your movements.
  • You will be able to perform more efficient muscle movements and with greater motor fluency.
  • Helps with coordination.
  • Any movement in your daily life will be performed better and more easily.
  • You can prevent future muscle pain or injury.
  • Improved posture and body alignment.
  • You will develop greater body awareness. As you stretch the different parts of the body, you focus on them and gain control over your body.
  • They improve blood circulation.
¿Por qué es importante estirar después de entrenar?

5 minute stretching routine

This routine is effective when practiced two to three times a week.

1. Cat-Cow Stretch

  1. From a tabletop position (on all fours), place your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.
  2. Inhale and arch your back.
  3. Exhale, bring your upper back to the ceiling while bringing your chin to your chest and your belly button to your spine.
  4. Repeat 5 to 10 times.
Cómo hacer el estiramiento gato-vaca

2. Leg swing

  1. Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip distance.
  2. With your hands on your hips and a gentle bend in your knees, lift your right leg up and swing it back and forth.
  3. Do this 10 times, and repeat with the other leg.

3. Supine hamstring stretch

  1. Lie on your back with your knees bent.
  2. Hook a strap, band, towel, or belt around the bottom of your right foot.
  3. Hold the ends of the strap and extend your right leg toward the ceiling.
  4. For an advanced stretch, extend your left leg on the mat while your right leg is extended in the air.
  5. Hold this position for 30 seconds and switch legs.
¿Cómo estirar los músculos isquiotibiales?

4. Runner's stride

  1. Start with your hands and knees on the ground, and move your right foot to the outside of your right hand.
  2. Slide your left knee back and lift your right arm and twist your torso to the right.
  3. Kick your left heel toward your glutes and grab the pink side of your left toe (use a strap or towel for support).
  4. Hold for 30 seconds and switch sides.
¿Cómo estirar el muslo frontal?

5. Supine turn

  1. Lie down on a mat and pull both knees towards your chest.
  2. Extend your left leg and right arm at shoulder height.
  3. Move your right knee to the left until your right hip is over your left hip.
  4. Make sure your right upper thigh is in line with your hips. Hold 30 seconds and switch sides.

Recommendations for stretching

  • Try to include all the major muscle groups in any stretching program.
  • Do at least two different stretches for each joint movement.
  • Before any physical activity, do light stretches as part of your warm-up.
  • After any exercise routine, cool down with medium intensity stretches.
  • If your muscles are sore after exercising, do only light stretches two or three times, 5 to 10 seconds for each.
  • If muscle aches persist over the next few days, continue light stretching.
Consejos útiles al hacer estiramientos


Stretching is one of the best ways to keep your muscles healthy. Doing it regularly will strengthen your muscles and increase your flexibility, and the more flexible you are, the better it will be for your joints.

Keeping muscles and joints in optimal condition also helps improve range of motion for daily activities and helps protect against injury.


  • Lindberg, S. Everything You Need to Know About Stretching. For Active. [Revised March, 2019].